Chapter 4

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Meera and Rosie had dinner and went to their respective room meera got ready to sleep but she couldn't all she could think was Aditya and smiled to herself

Meera- what are you doing to me Aditya why do I feel like you are a part of me

With that she slept here Rosie who is applying medicine to her bruise in her wrist and started thinking of what happened today


In the office Rosie was wiping her face when she saw Varun was in the room

Rosie- Varun what are you doing here
Varun- who is he

He showed her the photo

Rosie- how did you get this
Varun- I'm asking who is this
Rosie- he is a friend

With that Rosie tried to leave and it increased his anger so he forcefully grabbed her hand and pulled her close

Rosie- Varun it's paining leave me
Varun- for the final time who is he
Rosie- I told you he is a friend
Varun- what is his name
Rosie-why do you want to know

Before Varun could speak Roshini removed her hand and went away


Rosie-why was Varun so angry and wanted to know about Zahir? Who took that photo? He is alive but where was he for two years ? Varun is Aditya's brother how?

Rosie had a numerous questions in her mind but it was stopped when she had her phone rang and saw it was kaviya she got confused and attended it before she could speak she heard kaviya crying

Rosie- kavi what happened
Kaviya-someone shot arjun
Rosie- what first where are you
Kaviya- I'm at xxx hospital
Rosie- wait I'm coming

With that Rosie cuts the call and goes to Meera's room and saw her sleeping she quietly leaves the house and goes to the hospital once she reached she asked receptionist about arjun and went there and saw kaviya sobbing she quickly went towards her

Rosie- kavi

Hearing her kaviya hugged Rosie and started to cry more

Rosie- it's ok nothing will happen to him don't worry  but what happened

Kaviya wiped her tears

Kaviya- arjun wanted to take me so we went to the the beach and few minutes later someone shot him before I could see him he ran away and I took him here
Rosie- oh

Rosie went into a deep thinking and 1 hour later doctor came out of the room kaviya shook Rosie's shoulder and pointed at the doctor both went near the him

Kaviya- is he fine doctor
Doctor- he is good now thank god the bullet was shot  few inches away from his heart

Hearing it Rosie and kaviya shocked

Rosie - can we meet him doctor
Doctor- sure

With that doctor left and Rosie and kaviya went inside the room here a person called someone

Person 1- sir he is alive
Person2- shit
Person1 -what should I do now sir
Person2- kill him
Person 1-but sir
Person2-I said kill him
Person 1-ok sir

With that call ended and he waited for them to leave

Once they entered the room kaviya ran towards arjun and placed a lot of kisses in his face

Arjun- I'm ok
Kaviya- you know how scared I was when I saw you like that

Before she could continue she got a call from her mother

Kaviya- wait my mom is calling me I will be back

With that kaviya left and the person 1 saw her leaving so he quickly took a knife to kill arjun and went inside the room and saw Rosie he tried to attack her but she quickly punched him and kicked him in the knees and took the knife from him and placed it in his neck

Rosie- who sent you here what was your plan
Person 1-I won't tell you
Rosie- tell me who sent you

With that Rosie pressed the knife in his throat

Person 1- fine fine I will tell you
Rosie- good
Person 1- one of my man shot him in the beach and he said he is admitted in the hospital so I came here to check and when I heard he was alive my boss told me to kill him
Rosie- who is you boss
Person 1-Varun sir

Rosie and arjun were shocked hearing it Rosie couldn't believe it so she took her phone and showed his photo to the person 1

Rosie- did he send you here
Person1-yes yes please leave me

In anger Rosie cuts his throat and he dies she quickly shove's him under Arjun's bed and sits in the chair and was quiet

Arjun- I know ro

Before he could complete

Rosie- Aditya is alive


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