Chapter 3

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Rosie tiredly opened the door of Meera's cabin and saw Meera and Varun working and got shocked seeing the person sleeping on the couch

Rosie(mv)- he is alive but how

Meera saw Rosie being froze and got confused

Meera- what happened Rosie why are you looking at him like that

Hearing her she came out her trance

Rosie- you know him meera
Meera-yeah he is Aditya Varun's older brother
Rosie (mv)- older brother ah something is wrong
Rosie- oh

Rosie saw Varun  was looking at her and went back to his work Rosie felt hurt by his behaviour but quickly hid it

Rosie- I have to use the washroom
Meera - ok

With that Rosie went inside the relaxation room meera  went to take a file Varun heard a notification sound  he unlocked his phone  and saw the message is from a unknown number he saw the photo of Rosie being with some guy she was smiling but he couldn't see the guy's face properly he got angry seeing them together he turned and saw Meera was not there so he went inside the relaxation room

Here Meera entered the cabin saw no one was there she turned towards the couch and saw Aditya sleeping and went towards him she slowly kneeled before him and patted his hair slowly

Meera- you look so innocent while sleeping Aditya but why do I feel like I know you

Meera saw Aditya slowly opening his eyes and he smiled seeing Meera

Aditya-good morning doll

Meera smiled hearing him she heard a gasp sound and saw Rosie standing in the entrance of the relaxation room looking at her shocked Aditya looked at Rosie and turned towards Meera

Aditya- doll who is this giraffe
Rosie- giraffe ah

Hearing him meera started to laugh seeing her laugh care freely Rosie felt so happy before Rosie could make she felt a hand grip her waist and saw it was Varun

Rosie- what are you doing leave me
Varun- who is he
Rosie- why do you care
Varun- because

Rosie wanted him to say something but he remained silent hearing no answer Rosie forcefully removed his hand from the waist and went away here Varun got angry seeing Rosie going away from him soon it was night

Varun- bye meera

With that Varun try to hug her before he could do the Aditya pulled him by his collar

Aditya- no one should hug my doll if you hug her I'm not coming with you
Rosie(mv)- he is still the same
Meera- Adi how about you be a good boy and go to your home and we will go out Tomorrow for ice cream

Hearing the word ice cream Aditya slowly turned towards Varun

Aditya- you didn't get me any ice cream today
Varun- we are getting a lot of ice cream tomorrow ok
Aditya- ok

With that all left Rosie was riding the bike and in the mirror she saw Meera having a smile in her face

Rosie- it's been really long time since you laughed and smiled like this thanks to Aditya
Meera- he is so innocent I don't know how he was before but all I know is that he would have been a person who doesn't even hurt a fly

Hearing it Rosie laughed inside

Rosie(mv)- he is a devil in disguise but what happened I have to find out soon

With that they went to their home


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