When Tragedy strucks the Family

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"Can the demons enter the house". "Yes they can nothing can stop them ". Tanjiro gulped " In that case demons can eat anything and anyone." "Yes  but  the great demon slayers kill the evil demons and protect humanity."

'Saburoujii-san must be lonely, living alone since his family died. Next time I'll bring my brother's and sisters along. Even though it's scary it's okay because I know demons exist. But even though I know that, our grandmother, before she died she said the same thing.'

Waving goodbye tanjiro began walking up the mountain. Times when our happiness is broken, always have the sent of blood. Tanjiro eyes widen in shock and pain, panting from running he gasp what...what has happened. Turn  twords the house tanjiro froze.

The house covered in blood as his family laid dead

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The house covered in blood as his family laid dead. "Mother, Hanako, Takeo, Shigeru, and Nezuko and Roluta Lycoris". Tanjiro sobbed out run to check on the bodies.

'Both Nezuko along with Lycoris and asmall beat in Nezuko as she was fading fast, if  they  sees a doctor they might be able to save them, how did this happen? A bear that don't hibernate or couldn't it have been a demon

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'Both Nezuko along with Lycoris and asmall beat in Nezuko as she was fading fast, if  they  sees a doctor they might be able to save them, how did this happen? A bear that don't hibernate or couldn't it have been a demon.'

'It's painful to breathe... the frozen air hurts my lungs. I have to continue moving forward.... I have to move my legs faster, not yet we're still fair from the village. I won't let them die I'll definitely save them.'

'Your big brother will save you.' "GAHHHHHHHHHH." Nezuko woke moving as she tipped them over the edge. 'oh crap I slipped'.

Slam 'I'm save, the snow..... I'm okay.' "Nezuko"
." Seeing her stand in the snow Tanjiro shot up. "Nezuko are you okay? You don't have to walk I can carry you to the village Nezuko.....?" Lycoris was passed out in the snow blood dripping down his neck, a vicious bite in his throat.

"RAORRR". As she snapped her teeth at Tanjiro. Quickly grabbing the axe he held it to her mouth as she bit down harshly. 'A demon, saburoujii-san words came to my mind at this time. Nezuko is a human eating demon.'

'No that's wrong. Nezuko is a human ever since the time she was born. But this smell is different from the normal Nezuko so, in that case Nezuko didn't do it. Because she fell like she was protecting Roluta, and Lycoris. And her mouth and fingers had no blood on them.'

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