"Put him down! You think I'm afraid of you!" The girl continued to shout.

"Hey! Stop!" Cade shouted but remained hidden.

"Cade Yeager. Hand over the talisman." Megatron ordered as he dropped Squeaks unceremoniously.

Quick to react, Cade activated the bombs that he had rigged around the town before rushing out and grabbing the girl and dragging her away. Angry shouts reverberated from the Decepticons as they quickly went on the pursuit of Cade, but they had all failed to see Elizabeth in her hiding place nearby. The air was extremely warm, but that was mainly because she was so close to the detonation. Watching as the group of Decepticons dispersed, she focused on Barricade's form as he quickly chased after the two humans. Watching him transform back into his bipedal form, she winced when he suddenly batted away by Grimlock's tail. Ripping her eyes away from his fallen form, she looked over towards Drift and Crosshairs, who double-teamed one of the larger Decepticons. Easily taking the mech down, she looked around for Megatron only to notice he was pulling himself up onto a building. Quickly motioning for Tiny to turn into her rifle, she held her arms up as if she was already aiming. Pulling her finger back as if it were already on the trigger, she felt Tiny's form stiffen and then transform right in her hands. An armor piercing bullet was quick to be released from the chamber and made contact with Megatron's shoulder, which elicited a painful scream from the mech. Glancing down at the perpetrator, Megatron's optics widened as his gaze fell on the woman that was reported as deceased.

"Elizabeth Witwicky. So you are alive. Decepticons retreat!" Megatron's voice was low before he barked out orders.

Watching as they Decepticons ran away, Elizabeth caught a glimpse of Barricade disappearing in the distance. Glancing back up to Megatron, their eyes met one last time before he transformed and hightailed it out of there. Leaving her spot, she was quick to run to the other side of the town to meet up with everyone else at the gas station.

"That plan went to shit! Was that the only plan you had?" Jimmy shouted as he panted.

"Regardless of the plan, it worked out. The Decepticons retreated." Elizabeth snapped before her eyes landed on the teenager.

"Get down!" Cade whisper-yelled as he ducked behind the gas pump.

Incoming from the sky were roughly twenty drones that were sent by TRF. Immediately recognizing the tech, Cade pushed for the group to run inside the old church across the street. Bringing up the rear, Elizabeth shoved Jimmy so that he would move faster. Rushing up the stairs, Cade was already panting as he took a glance out the window to see the drones flying by.

"I think we'll be safe in here." Cade breathes.

"There has to be a lead drone! Just like in Chicago!" Izabella shouted as she followed up behind Cade.

"Most likely, and it will look different from the rest. Once the mother drone is destroyed or taken offline, the others will follow." Elizabeth nodded.

Everything seemed safe at first as they reached the balcony of the sanctuary, but it was short lived as the drones began firing through the glass and entered the church. Panic set inside of Jimmy as he shrieked and pushed to move away from the gunfire. Cade ushered for everyone to get out of there and led everyone towards some rooms that were down the hall and away from the drones. Firing at one of the incoming drones, Cade managed to slow down the progression, but that didn't stop the rest from filing in behind it.

"Hurry, in here." Cade whispered as he got everyone inside a room with a few beds.

"This is the worst job ever! Never thought I'd be getting shot at. Does this job even have healthcare? It doesn't, doesn't it? You try to treat a bullet wound by yourself." Jimmy ranted.

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