Chapter 4: A Crush in the Making

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"Jester?" She called by his codename, but he didn't respond. She tried again, this time with his real name, "Fizz," snapping him back to reality.

"Y-yeah?" Fizz stammered.

Emmy began to panic, thinking she had revealed too much. "I-I'm s-sorry. That p-probably s-sounded w-weird," she stuttered.

"N-no, no... It's f-fine," Fizz reassured her. "I... I don't mind, really. Thank you for telling me."

Emmy felt relieved to hear that she hadn't made him uncomfortable. She mustered the courage to speak again. "H-hey, Fizz?"

"Yeah?" he replied.

Emmy said happily, "I'm glad that we met, Fizz."

Fizz echoed her sentiment with equal happiness, "Yeah, me too." Both of them smiled, knowing that they felt something more than just friendship.

As twilight settled in, Fizz returned to the circus after his conversation with Emmy. He entered a tent that housed fellow performers and the kids he had grown up with. Among them were Blitzo, his sister Barbie Wire, affectionately known as Barb. Barb had elegant, curled horns and sported a red and white top paired with a black skirt and leggings.

The tent also housed the mischievous horse rider twins, Mike and Bike, both just eight years old. Mike donned green pants and a black long-sleeve shirt, while Bike opted for black pants and a green long-sleeve shirt. They were known as the biggest troublemakers, always up to pranks, annoying everyone at the circus, and teasing Fizz and Blitzo.

Another familiar face was Betty Loo, a tightrope walker with horns similar to Blitzo's, adorned with charming curls. She wore a light purple tutu dress and white tights. Betty, at thirteen years old but quite short, had an endearing personality and was like a little sister to Fizz. She was the circus's sweetheart, adored by everyone, especially Fizz.

Then there was Ally, the daring western cowgirl. She rocked blue shorts, a yellow tank top, and a short red jacket. The same age as Fizz, Ally had a bold and wild side but also a mature and nurturing one. She watched over the kids like a mother when needed.

Lastly, there was Robby, a tall imp with shorter horns than Fizz's. He sported a blue long-sleeve shirt, a black and white striped vest, and black pants. Robby, a skilled knife thrower, was equally renowned for his culinary expertise. His food was a hit with everyone, including the circus audience. Robby had a relaxed, cool demeanor most of the time, but you didn't want to get on his bad side. He was three years older than Blitzo and Fizz, akin to an older brother to them.

Fizz greeted his friends enthusiastically as he entered the tent. Betty rushed over to him, wrapped him in a hug, and exclaimed, "Fizzy, you're back! I missed you so much!"

Fizz returned the hug and chuckled, "I missed you too, Betty, but I haven't been gone that long."

Betty pouted cutely, "It felt like forever. I've been waiting to tell you about the coolest thing I saw today."

Intrigued, Fizz urged her, "Oh, really? Do tell."

Betty stopped hugging him and led him to sit on a nearby barrel. She excitedly shared her encounter with real-life hellhounds, but Fizz, lost in thought about Emmy's words, began to doodle in a notebook, a smile creeping onto his face.

Suddenly, Betty called out, "Fizz!"

Startled, Fizz looked up at the pouting princess and confessed, "Weren't you listening to me?"

Apologetic, Fizz replied, "Oh, sorry, Betty. What were you saying?"

Noticing Fizz's distracted behavior, the others in the tent grew curious and puzzled. Bike pointed to Fizz's notebook and exclaimed, "Fizz, you've covered your book with lovely dovely hearts!"

The Human Girl and The Mischievous Jester ImpUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum