Over My Dead Body

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"Yes, please. I will take that list of names. Thank you,", Bam Bam said.

"Based upon the information made available to me. I think we have a copywrite infringement case. The strongest position at this point, is to have Bam Bam take the lead as she is the copywrite holder to her novel, Cutie Pie. DMD can follow suit based upon contracts we have signed with Ms. Bam Bam. That proves DMD purchased the exclusive rights to use Bam Bam's copywritten material in a series."

Pausing she looked around the room to see if there were any questions.

"What did she just say? She said copywrite a lot. Did anyone else get that?"

Looking around the room, NuNew could tell he was not alone and tried his best not to smile. He remembered the Tiny Terror from Zee.

"Here is where this case gets tricky. An idea cannot be copywritten only the expression of the idea can. Both Bam Bam and Domundi must prove that GMMTV has copied Bam Bam's expression of her book.", Sara said.

"Umm. Let me make it easier to understand. If the court rules that there are enough discrete details that are different in GMMTV's script, like setting, characters and plot, then GMMTV would not be violating copywrite law. They would be free to produce and release a similar story as Cutie Pie. As long as they did not mention or allude to Cutie Pie."

She scanned the room, and everyone must have looked as bewildered as NuNew felt because she gave an even more relatable example.

"For example, if the setting takes place in Europe instead of Thailand. All names are changed, and enough character details are different. Like, their CEO character is the CEO of a car manufacturing company and not a beverage company. That may be enough of a change from Cutie Pie to allow them to make their series."

"Does that make sense?", Sara asked.

Bam Bam had her head in her hands. Zee looked blankly ahead and everyone else looked miserable.

"Okay. Let's talk strategy. No need to look like that everyone, I have an idea.", Sara said.


Moonlight crept across the room in its rotation around the earth. Normally there were no observers of its journey across the bedroom floor, but tonight there was. For there was no sleep for the guilty and Zee was borrowing all the blame he possibly could. Even though he rationally knew it was not his to take.

Looking down at his beautiful boy he worried that his past had come to hurt the innocent soul sleeping in his arms. Trouble had come their way, and Saint would want his reckoning. How many years ago had he filmed Why R You? Four years? Had Saint waited this long to get his revenge?

"What is he? Some kind of sociopath? Or was this an opportunity that fell into his lap?"

"No, I don't think this just happened. I think he has been planning this. He is a soulless spider spinning his web. He's had four years to accumulate secrets and power. Positioning himself so he could curate the right opportunity to ensnare and paralyze us."

"He must be laughing at us now as we struggle in his trap. Thinking what we see before us is the only danger. No, I think this is just the beginning. Worse lies ahead. We are nowhere near his coup de grâce."

"And how do I protect NuNew from him? I need to take him off the chessboard early. If he is not a here, maybe that would be enough. Would NuNew understand? Would he play along and leave willingly?"

"No, he will insist on staying. He won't leave me."

"Then I have to force him, and the only way is for him to believe it is real."

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