《Unexpected》 Precious little princess - Pt. 5 (End)

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Changbin had been making sure to keep Nabi as comfortable as he could now that her first contractions were happening. They were fast asleep in bed, when suddenly, Nabi woke up from pain and so woke Changbin up as well.

While he was calling everyone he needed to update on her current status, Nabi was tearing up from the pain. Everyone warned her about this and yet, it still came to a surprise. It was awful and she wanted to get it over with.

Grabbing the bag they put together for the baby's arrival, Changbin helped Nabi get up so they could head to the ground floor towards the car. The hospital wasn't far away, so they would arrive in only a few minutes.

"I'm blaming you for this."

Nabi wasn't so happy with the contractions and so, Changbin reminded her that everything would be over soon once their baby was born. Or at least he tries to reason with her.

When they finally arrived at the hospital, nurses took them to where parents-to-be would be waiting until the big moment arrived. It would still take some time before it did, however. Though Changbin was convinced they'd be able to hold their baby soon.

A few hours had gone by when it was finally time. At around 7am, they left the hospital room they had been in since 3am. Nabi had been given an epidural for the pain before she was moved to the birthing room.

"I'm really not ready for this. I'm not even sure if I can so this."

"Nabi, I believe in you. I can't imagine how scary this must feel, but it's all gonna be worth it in the end."

The truth was, Nabi wasn't sure if she would be able to deal with being a mother. Of course, she was excited to be one, but... What if she was the worst mum ever? And then there was the chance Changbin would find a girl and ditch Nabi and their baby. Even if he would never do something like that.

Changbin had been given the option of being there for Nabi. And he took it, because he didn't want Nabi to do it all alone. What she didn't know was that he loved her.

"Are you ready?"

A few moments later, cries filled the room. Nabi was panting heavily, she was feeling tired from all the pushing and pain. A smile plastered on her face when realized Changbin never let go off her hand through everything.

The nurse checked on their baby first, their baby girl. Nabi always had this feeling she was pregnant with a daughter, but she never told Changbin that.

Once everything was fine with their daughter, she got placed on top of Nabi's chest. Changbin was mesmerized by seeing his daughter. When Nabi saw her daughter tor the very first time, she got hit by emotions. She became a mum of the most adorable baby girl. She never thought this day would come.

"Sowon... I wanna name her Sowon."

It was the perfect name for their daughter. She was their hope. Everything fell into place with her in their lives. They both had a long path to take as new parents. Raising a child wouldn't be easy.

Nabi smiled when she felt a kiss being planted on her forehead. It gave her the courage she needed. Changbin would never leave her and Sowon.

When Nabi and Sowon were finally able to leave the hospital, Changbin was very excited for them to be home. The apartment felt empty. Whenever he was inside the nursery, getting the last bits ready for Sowon's arrival, he couldn't wait for her to finally be home. And now, she was.

"You have no idea how happy I am to finally be out of that place! The nurses and doctors have been very kind, but I need my own bed again."

Even though Nabi was very grateful the nurses helped her through the start of motherhood. They made sure she would bond with Sowon, be able to breastfeed her without a problem. Not to mention, they helped Changbin through it all as well.

Every time they had to tell someone that they weren't in a relationship, that they only were best friends who were going to be raising a child together, everyone was surprised. This wasn't a common sight and even if some would be against the idea, the two of them didn't care.

"I'm so happy you're back home. I can't explain it, but without you here, the apartment felt empty. The nursery felt empty without my precious little princess."

Nabi let out a chuckle. She was holding the carrycot with Sowon inside when she walked inside the apartment. Now, the carrycot was empty as Changbin picked up their daugther and walked with her to the nursery. The room Sowon would be able to call her own.

"Nabi, thank you."

"Why are you thanking me? I don't understand."

Lately, Changbin had been acting weird. Every time someone called him a great boyfriend or husband to Nabi. She felt awkward whenever she heard things like that, but Changbin just acted strange. And she never really knew why.

"For everything. For letting me in your life, for giving me a family. And I hope, for letting me love you. I never really knew how to tell you, you were feeling so many emotions, I didn't want you to worry about my feelings for you as well."

To say Nabi was surprised, would be an understatement. She was shocked by what she heard. She never thought Changbin would even feel this way about her. When they had the one night stand, Nabi wasn't really sure why he wanted it to be with her. Even though he was drunk, it didn't make sense to her.

"I think I've always felt that way. But that night, seeing you carrying my baby and now, having Sowon, made me realize I do."

Nabi needed a moment to let it all sink in. This explained why he had been acting strange a lot during the pregnancy. A reason why he wanted to be there to help Nabi take care of their baby. He loved her and would always do so.

And maybe she loved him as well and it weren't the hormones making her think so. Because seeing Changbin pour out his feelings in front of her, felt special. Nabi surprised Changbin when she pecked his lips. He definitely didn't expect this.

But before Changbin could pull Nabi into an actual kiss, Sowon's cries filled the room. He let out a chuckle, having the feeling they would be interrupted by her a lot. He didn't really mind though. It was part of parenthood and he was very grateful to have his daughter in his life.

And now, Changbin officially had Nabi in his life as well.


I really wanted to finish this, but I struggled a lot with writing an ending to this story. So, I'm sorry if the end feels a bit rushed, I tried my best. 

Also, I'm suffering from a cold now. I'm so glad it's the weekend, because I really don't want to leave the house feeling so poor. I had work today and I had a hard time focusing and putting my attention on the tasks. But, I did it and I'm proud of myself.

The keeper of my heart • Seo Changbin [Imagines]Where stories live. Discover now