The rest of them stared at her. She did not generally show that much... softness.

She blinked and then flushed a bright red again. "A-anyway, you are not meeting him for his safety! How did we start talking about this!? Hawkmoth!"

"Right yes of course." Pegasus held back a slight chuckle. "What's the plan then Leader?"

She pouted, "Well... there's two options... we get this done quickly but it's much more dangerous, or... we take the long road but it's safe. Let's take a vote." Crimson sighed. "Long road, raise your hand."

Kitsune, Pegasus, Carapace and Viperion raised their hands.

She winced, "Short road... raise your hands..."

Chat Noir, Ryuuko, Roi Singe, Rooster, Bee and an appearing hand of Bunnyx raised their hands.

"Bunnyx is this because you've seen the future or because it's what you want to do?" Crimson pinched the bridge of her nose.

"What I want to do." She came out of her burrow. "I'm helping. I don't care what you say."

"You are a pain. I hope you know that. Fine. You can help. But the second you feel a timeline disturbance, you're gone!"

"Yeah yeah I get it."

Crimson took a deep breath. "Looks like the consensus is the short but dangerous road..."

The four who wanted the long road, winced.

If Crimson said it was risky? It was really risky...

"So... what is the plan?" Carapace asked.

"Well the quick one is to burst into his evil basement, I attempt to heal Emily until he descends on his evil lift thing then we attempt to kick his ass. Viperion and Bunnyx wait in the wings to ensure things happen as they should and make sure the police are there to arrest Gabriel once we're done."

She felt Chat's hand's hold tighten on hers.

"Really should have expected that..." Kitsune sighed.

"As I said, quick, but dangerous. Well... more dangerous for me. You guys should be okay." Crimson laughed nervously.

Chat Noir gave her a worried look. "Red... please don't put yourself on the line again... I don't want to watch you die again... I know Tikki and the sun can heal you enough to keep you alive without poisoning you but... Red, we need you." He paused and held her hand. "I need you..."

"He's right Crimson... none of us can bear to see the light in your eyes fade again... promise you'll be careful." Viperion said gently. "I don't want to hear your melody go quiet..."

She blinked in surprise, then smiled softly. "You won't see the last of me. There's so much more that I need to live for. And kitten, you know that I'm not going to make you fight him. You can stay with Viperion and Bunnyx okay?"

Chat swallowed and nodded "I think that would be best..."

The rest of the team closed around their leaders, hugging them tightly.


"Kon, Are we sure that this is a good idea?" Jon asked nervously.

"It's a better idea than waiting at home and doing nothing while our sister goes head to head with a magical madman." Konner grunted back as they landed on the Arc de Triomph.

"But what if we get in the way and make things worse?" Jon asked as he began to pace.

"We're protecting our sister Jon. We couldn't before but we will now." He declared confidently.

"Boys." Two familiar voices sighed, floating above them was their father and aunt.

"Marinette said not to interfere." Clark landed in front of them.

"But dad what if something happens -" Konner tried.

"Then we'll deal with the after affects the best that we can." Kara said softly. "We should respect her wishes."

"No!" Both boys yelled. "We can't leave her!"

Clark and Kara looked to eachother. "We can't stop you can we?" Clark frowned.

The boys shook their heads.

"Fine... but do not interfere unless it looks necessary okay?"

Konner nodded firmly and Jon grinned.

Kara and Clark exchanged a look. "Call for us if necessary." Kara said firmly before both of them left.

The boys fist bumped.

It's time for the reign of terror to end.

Not proofread.

I have a lot on my plate and my brain can't be bothered to proofread when it's coming up to 1am.

Hope you have a good day. Hope you enjoyed

Eat drink and sleep as much as you can. :)

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