The Fat Lady & The Map

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When me and Dumbledore approached the painting, we looked at it in shock. "Mr. Filch." I said. "Yes?" "Gather all the ghosts. Even Peeves. Tell them to search every painting for the Fat Lady." I told him. "There is no need for ghosts, professor. The Fat Lady is right there." Filch said, pointing to a painting that the lady was at. We all ran to her, me and Dumbledore in-front. "Dear, Lady... Who did this to you?" Dumbledore asked, looking at the woman. "Eyes like the devil, he's got!" She said, sobbing. "And a soul as dark as his name! It's him, Headmaster. The one they all talk about! He's here! Somewhere in the castle! Sirius Black!" I ran as soon as I heard the name. 

I walked to the Great Hall, walking with Snape and Dumbledore. As they were talking, I couldn't stop thinking about Sirius.

The next morning, I decided to take a walk. As I was walking, I heard a twig snap. I turned around and saw a black dog. "Where have I seen you before?"

The next day at the game, I cheered for Harry. "COME ON HARRY!!" I cheered. I looked up and saw a cloud look just like the head of the dog I had seen the other day. Then, Harry fell out of the sky. "HARRY!!" I screamed, holding onto Remus for dear life. 

I ran inside the hospital wing, standing with the boys and Hermione. "He looks a bit peaky, don't you think?" I laughed a bit. "Peaky?" Fred asked, looking at his younger brother. "What do you expect?" George asked. "He fell over a hundred feet!" I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, come on Ron! Let's throw you off the Astronomy Tower!" George said sarcastically. "And see what you look like!" Fred finished. I could tell those two apart just from their voices. Fred's voice was more high pitched, and George's voice was lower. "Probably a right sight better than he normally does." Ron said, causing me and the twins to laugh. Harry sat up. "How are you feeling?" Hermione asked as I looked at what Ron had in his hands. "What's that you got, Ron?" I asked, looking at it. "Harry's broom." He whispered to me. "Oh no..." I said, looking at the cloth. "Oh, brilliant." Harry said sarcastically. "You gave us a right good scare there, mate." George said, sitting next to him. I nodded and sat on my knees, looking up at Harry. "What happened?" Harry asked. "Well, you fell off your broom." I said, looking at Ron. "Really? I meant the match. Who won?" Harry asked again. "You almost died and you care about who won the match, Harry?" I asked. He laughed and shrugged. "Um... no one blames you, Harry." Hermione said awkwardly. "Yeah. The dementor's aren't supposed to come into the grounds." I said, looking at him and smiling in a reassuring matter. "Dumbledore was furious." I explained, laughing a bit at how I remembered how mad Dumbledore looked when he found out that his favorite student was injured. "As soon as he saved you, he sent them straight off." 'Moine explained, rubbing his arm soothingly. "There's uh... something else you should know, Har." I said nervously as Ron walked closer. "When you fell, your broom... sort of- uhm. Sort of blew into the Whomping Willow." Ron said as he took the broken broomstick out of the cloth. 


The winter time came so quickly, it was amazing. Winter in Hogwarts is always beautiful. Harry watched sadly as everyone left for Hogsmeade. 

Me and Harry snuck off underneath his cloak, attempting to get to Hogsmeade. As we were walking, two twins caught us. "Guys! Let us go!" Harry whisper-shouted as the boys led us somewhere. "Clever, Professor, Harry." Fred said, linking his arm with mine, George linking his with Harry. "But not clever enough." George said, smirking at his twin brother. "Besides, we've got a better way." Fred explained. "Boys! Come on! We're trying to go to Hogsmeade!" I scolded. I wasn't aloud to go since I had to watch over Harry. "We know." The twins said together. "Don't worry!" Fred assured. "We'll get you there!" George said, leading us to the stairway. "We'll show you a quicker way!" Fred said as we turned a corner. "If you pipe down." George then explained as we struggled to get free. "Oh, bless them." George said, flicking my head. "Guys! Let us go!" Harry complained. "Now, Y/N and Harry," George started. "Come and join the big boys." They said together as me and Harry took the cloak off. "You guys realize how wrong that sounds?" I asked the boys as I leaned against the railing. "What are you doing?!" Harry asked aggressively. "Shhh!" They both said. They handed me some parchment. "What's this rubbish?!" The two chuckled. "Heh. What's this rubbish, he says." Fred echoed, turning to his brother. "That there is the secret to our success." Fred explained. "It's a wrench giving it to you, believe me." George said, pointing at us. "But, we've decided your needs are greater than ours." Fred explained, pointing to us just like his brother did. "George, if you will." Fred asked, gesturing to the parchment. George pulled his wand out.

(That sounds so wrong, I'm sorry-)

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." George said, making writing appear on the parchment. The map. The map me, Sirius, Remus, Peter, and James made! "Messrs, Moony, Padfoot, Wormtail, Prongs, and Artemis..." Harry began. I shot my head up at the name. "...proudly present... The Marauder's Map." Harry read aloud. "We owe them so much." George said, looking at me as if he knew something. 'Yeah, you do. I helped make that map.' I thought to myself. Harry opened it, eyes widening as he saw what was inside. "Hang on! This is Hogwarts!" He looked at the one that had Dumbledore on it. "And that's... No. Is that really-" The twins cut him off, Fred going first, George speaking right after him. "Dumbledore." "In his study." "Pacing. Does that alot." Fred finished, looking at Albus as he paced and paced in his study. "So you mean this map shows-" The twins cut him off again, George speaking first, Fred following. "Everyone." "Where they are." "What they're doing." "Every minute." I finished for them "Of everyday!" The twins grinned at me. "Brilliant! Where'd you get it?" Harry asked, looking at the two. "Nicked in from Filches office of course! First year!" I looked at them as if they were crazy. "Are you two crazy?" I asked, lightly hitting their heads with the map. "Easy there, professor!" I looked at the map and saw... Pettigrew's name? He was in Hogsmeade. "No. That's impossible! He ran away!" I said, running out to Hogsmeade. "Professor?!" The three yelled for me. "Hold on, boys!" I ran to Hogsmeade and saw Ron where Pettigrew was. "Professor Y/N? What're you doing here?" Ron asked. I shook my head. "Let me see your rat Ronald." He looked at me as if I just asked him if I could eat his newborn. "Why?" I saw the rat start panicking. "Never mind. Sorry, Ron." I said, patting his head.

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