chapter 12 3/4 months pregnant

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Harry is now 3 months pregnant (end of the 1st trimester) and is starting to show Louis thought maybe Harry was pregnant with one than one baby Sally and Pat are babysitting Harry today since Louis has work, Liam and Niall are on their honeymoon
Pat: Sally I think Harry's pregnant with more than one baby
Sally: Louis thinks the same thing his next appointment is next month so maybe Louis can get some answers
Harry: mommy
Sally: yes babe boy
Harry: h h hungry
Sally: what would u and my grandbaby want for lunch
Harry: mac and cheese
Sally: ok have a seat on the couch or at the table and it will ready soon
Harry: (smiles) (hand on stomach)
Pat and Sally made the lunch
Harry's happy to be a dad he has been watching videos on his tablet on how to care for babies

The next month
Louis and Harry get ready for the appointment Louis puts a sleeping Harry in his wheelchair with his bags  and wheels it to the van and puts Harry in the van buckled him up then got in the driver seat and drove to the doctor's office
Louis: hi Carrie
Carrie: (smiles) I'll let dr.wendy know ur here it will take a minute
Louis: thanks Carrie (sat down)
Harry: (slowly woke up)
Louis: (dug in his bag for a pacifier found one put it in Harry's month)
Harry: (smiles)
Louis: (kissed Harry on the forehead)
Dr.wendy: hi guys come on back
They went to a room Louis put Harry on the bed
Dr Wendy: any thoughts about today before we get started
Louis: Harry's only 4 months pregnant last month I saw that he was showing at only 3 months I think he's pregnant with more than one baby
Dr.wendy: (looks at Harry) I see what u mean ok let's start the scan
Louis: (helped Harry lay back)
Dr.wendy: this is going to be cold (put the gel on his stomach)
Harry: (laughs as the gel is put on his stomach)
Louis: (smiles at Harry's cute laugh)
Dr.Wendy: (moves the wand around) Louis u were right it looks like u guys are going to have twins
Louis: wow one more kid to love (smiles letting a few happy tears fall)
Dr.wendy: would u like to know the genders
Harry: (calps his hands)
Louis: yes please
Dr.wendy: (looks at the screen smiles to herself) looks like baby A is going to be a girl and baby B is also going to be a girl
Harry: (claps his hands)
Louis: (kisses him on the cheek)
Dr.wendy: (took a pic of the babies and the baby gender) how many pics do u want
Louis: 7 please
Dr.wendy: 7 it is (clicked 7 prints) (handed Louis paper towels to clean off Harry's stomach) be back with the pics soon
Louis: (wiped off Harry's stomach pulled his shirt back down helped Harry in a seating position)
Dr.wendy: (came back) here are the 7 pics u wanted
Louis: thanks
Dr.Wendy: ur welcome have a good day I'll see u next month to see if the twins are ok
Louis: ok we'll be here (picked Harry up and put him back in his wheelchair then wheeled him to the front
Carrie: looks like ur due back next month
Louis: we'll be here
Carrie: awesome see u then and congrats on ur baby girls
Louis: thanks (leaves and walk back to the van and drove home)
Harry: (yawned and fell asleep with his hand on his stomach)
Louis: (smiles looking in the rear view mirror)

They got home Louis got Harry out of the van and to the house inside and up the elevator to the 2nd floor to their room and put Harry to bed then texted with Pat and Sally
Texting conversation
P= Pat S= Sally  and l= Louis
L: Sally u were right Harry's pregnant with twins
P: omg no way
S: if u don't mind me asking what are the genders
L: I would tell u but we are going to revel it next month
P: oh come on son
L: sorry mom
P: it's ok
S: how's my son and son in-law
L: Harry fell asleep on the way home and I'm excited about being a father to two girls
S: I was happy to have Harry and Niall
P: me too when I had u and ur brother
L: I love u both Sally u are not my birth mom but u are the mom of the man I love
S: Louis I'll always be a mom to u I know u have a mom but now u have me too
L: guys I hear Harry I better go the gender reveal party will be at our house in 5 days hope u can come
End of texting conversation

Louis goes up to the 2nd floor and saw Harry was awake he walked over to the bed
Harry: daddy wet bed (cries)
Louis: it's ok let's get u changed then I will wash the bedding (picked Harry up and changed him) (put him in his wheelchair) u can go in ur playroom if u want while I clean up
Harry: (wheeled himself to his playroom)

The rest of the day Harry and Louis played games and watched movies Louis made dinner then they went to bed

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