chapter 11 2 months pregnant

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It's been two months since Louis and Harry found out they are going to be dads
When Harry wakes up in the morning he gets sick then Louis gives him his morning sickness pill his mostly ok after that but still gets sick a little bit not as bad as he would with out the pills
The baby appointment is today
Louis has work since his boss and co-worker know he will be ok to leave early

Louis: babe I have to go to work now Niall and Liam are here now I will be back when it's time to see our baby
Harry: d d daddy *kisses Louis*
Louis: *kisses Harry back*
Liam: * clears his throat* time to go to work brother
Louis: *slowly pulls back* if I'm not here to drive him Niall u know where Dr. Wendy's office u can drive there and I will meet u guys there
Harry: d d daddy n n no d d drive h h home
Louis: I plan to but if I can't leave before then Niall and Liam will drive u to her office and I will meet u there *kisses Harry on the forehead then gets his bags and walks out the door*
Harry: *cries*
Liam: shhhh it's ok teddy bear let's go in ur playroom and play with some of ur toys
Harry: *whips his tears*
Liam: * wheels Harry to his playroom* now what would u like to play with first
Harry: *walked to the shelves pulls out blocks*
Liam: *smiles to himself* *watching Harry in a rocking chair*
Niall: *walked in* so that's why it's quite
Liam: * smiles* yep I fell sorry for Harry not able to to walk that long
Niall: yeah we had a hard time with helping him walk I was 10 months old when I started walking but poor Harry was 2 years old when ahe started walking he still can't walk that good
Liam: good thing he has a wheelchair for long walks
Niall: mom was tired of carrying him on long walks so when he was 12 years old we got him his first wheelchair he loved it but years later he got to big for it so we got him the one he uses today
Liam: *smiles* he's so lucky to have all these people on his life that love him so much
Niall: * sniffs* u can say that again

Hours later it was time for the appointment
Louis was in a meeting so Liam and Niall had the drive Harry's to the baby appointment
Niall: *picked Harry up put him in his wheelchair gave him a pacifier wheeled him to the lift and went downstairs
Harry: * was asleep*
Liam: *smiles got Harry's bags then went to the car*
Niall: *wheeled Harry into the car and got in the driver seat*driving to the doctor's office*
3 minutes later they made it
Liam: *got out and wheeled Harry out of the car*
Louis: *pulled up in his car*
Niall: *chuckles* nice u could make it
Louis: shut up Nini*saw Harry was asleep* how long has he been asleep
Liam: *wheeling Harry in the building* a few minutes after we ate lunch he yawned and I put him to bed
Louis: poor baby always needs a nap after eating
Liam: do u know why
Niall: every since he was little he's had problems so after he eats he would sleep I guess he helps the food go through he's body (fuel his body)
Louis: *walked to Carrie* afternoon Carrie we are here to see Dr. Wendy
Carrie: ok I will tell her I and ur family are here
Louis: thanks *seats down next to Harry*
Moments later
Dr.wendy: hi guys time to come back
Louis: * wheeled a still sleeping Harry into the back Liam and Niall also follow*
Dr.wendy: if u could wake Harry up we have to get his weight
Louis: yes I can just brace urself for crying*starts to wake Harry up*
Harry*wakes up looks around sees he's not on their room and starts to scream cries and swings his arms*
Liam: *walks up and hums on Harry's ear*
Niall*walks up and calmly talks to him*
Louis: *rubs Harry's back* shhh baby boy it's ok Dr.wendy wants to get ur weight
Dr.wendy: it's ok Harry I just want u to stand on the scale for a little while
Harry: *looked at Louis then stood out of his wheelchair and stood on the scale*
Dr.wendy: *to Louis* I've never seen anyone more loved than Harry
Louis: he has a lot of people who love him
Niall: u can say that again
Liam: I admit I 2as mean to him years ago but now I see he's good for my brother
Dr.wendy: ok Harry u can seat back in ur wheelchair I'm going to take u'll to a room
They follow her to a room
Dr.wendy: Louis can u please put Harry on the bed
Louis: *picks Harry up kisses him then put him on the bed*
Dr.wendy: how's it going
Louis: he gets simi sick during the day but not as bad as it was before the pills he sleeps after he eats
Liam: if I may interrupt. He sleeps alot more than that
Dr.wendy: I think that's just normal cause the baby inside him his body things it's not supposed to be there so resting is the only way to make it stop fighting
Niall: that makes sense
Dr.wendy: now who wants to see the fetus
Harry: *screams happily and claps his hands*
Dr.wendy: ok then can u lay back so we can put the gel on ur stomach
Harry *smiles and lays back*
Dr.wendy: this is going to be cold *put the gel on Harry's stomach*
Harry: *shavered* c c cold
Louis: but it will let us see our baby
De.wendy: * puts the wand thing on Harry's stomach moving it around then stopped* there's ur baby
Harry: *cries* b b baby d d daddy
Louis: *cries also* I see baby boy
Liam and Niall: * smiles* we are going to be uncles
Dr.wendy: the baby is due in 8 months
Louis: when will we be able to know the gender
Dr.wendy: 5 months
Harry: *cries happy tears still*
Louis: *kisses Harry's forehead*
Dr.wendy: how many pics
Louis: * thought for a minute* 6 please
Dr.wendy: 6 it is *she printed off 6 then cleans off Harry's stomach* I'll be back with ur pics* walks out*
Liam: 6 pics that's a lot why
Louis: one for u and Niall one our mom one for Harry's and Niall's mom one for Erin and Paul one for my boss one for my co worker and one for me
Liam: awe thanks brother
Louis: ur welcome
Dr.wendy: * walks back in here are ur 6 pics I would like to u in 2 months to look at the baby
Louis : we will be back in 2 months
They walk back to the front
Carrie: let's see she wants u back in two months how would the 7th be
Louis: works for me thanks Carrie
Carrie: no problem see u then

They walk and wheel out
Louis: *helps get Harry in the van buckled him in* baby boy I have to go back to work I'll be home later ok Liam and Niall will take u home and stay with u
Harry: *smiles* d d daddy w w work h h hard
Louis: that's my baby *kisses him on the cheek and gets in his car and drives back to work*
Liam and Niall: *get in the van and drive home*

Hours later
Louis was back home he handed Liam and Niall the baby pics form earlier
Niall and Liam leave
Louis made dinner he and Harry relaxed on the couch and then went to bed
Louis made dinner they rested and relaxed then went

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