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The dinner was quiet. Honestly I liked it that way. The more silence the more peaceful it would be. I didn't like the way Dominic stared at him. Like he wanted to whip out his small intestine and strangle him with it. I gagged at the thought of an intestine while eating pasta. "You guy's are nice siblings" Oh no. The elephant in the room that was supposed to get kicked out by me. "I'm not her brother" Or not me. Ivan's eyes showed confusion. His eyes ping ponged between Dominic and I. "Ahh cousin?" Why don't we play a little game called shut the fuck up Ivan? Dominic moaned frusturatedly. "I'm her fiance" Fuck. Atleast the truth was out now. No more hiding. I felt Ivan's stare on me. How was he feeling? Ivan cleared his throat. "Oh" That was the only thing he managed to say. Ivan then stood up and slammed his hand on the table. To make matters worse Dominic put his feet on the table. Enough boy drama. "No. Aurelia is he making you do this?! Stay the fuck away from her she doesn't want you near her!" He pointed a finger at Dominic. Dominic grinned at him. He shook his head. "She doesn't want me near her? Hmmm. That's not what she said on the couch before I opened the door for you" Dominic stood up still wearing that stupid grin that made my blood boil. Ivan's hands formed into a fist. Dominic's grin wore off replaced with scary anger. "I think it's time for you to leave" Dominic's voice was rough. Ivan scoffed. "Or what? You're shit man" I wouldn't do that if I were him. Dominic's fist landed on Ivan's jaw. Ivan collapsed to the floor. Dominic picked him up by the collar and slammed him to the wall. I gasped in shock. Just watching. I felt guilty for not defending Ivan. "See Ivan the thing is____ everybody wants my wife but they can't have her because she is mine. And one thing about me_____ I don't like to share" Ivan's eyes flared over Dominic. That's it. "Leave him alone!" Dominic dropped Ivan to the floor as if he was a candy wrapper and looked at me. His face softened. Ivan stood up and walked to me. "Aurelia you don't have to do anything if you don't want to" I had enough of this. "I want to!" Ivan's eyes widened. He got closer and placed a hand on my shoulder. I felt Dominic stare at us from behind. "You can't be serious. One day you're gonna realize that he doesn't deserve you" Just like that he left. Anger filled me up inside. I turned to Dominic. "You didn't have to hurt him like that! What is you're problem?! You better not touch him ever____"
"What was I supposed to do! He came to our house and insulted me. It took a lot of control for me because I swear to God when he touched you like that I wanted to kill him" I angrily paced to him. I slapped him across the face. "He is my oldest friend and I want you to respect him. You don't get to hurt him like that"
He turned his face to me. Frowning. Eyes flaring. Jaw clenching. My gut swarming with fear. "Aurelia there are somethings you don't understand. Let me make it clear if it wasn't clear enough. Ivan wants you and the guy is clearly not over you. I saw the way he looked at you but goddammit he can't have you! You. Are. Mine." His face softened. I stroked his hair and placed my other hand on his shoulder. "I am yours. I need you to trust me because Ivan and I are just friends. Hmmm. Okay?" He hesitated for a moment. "You know I can't say no to you" Aurelia 1 and Dominic 0. I loved this power I had on him. I could bring him to his knees anytime I want.


I tossed and turned on our bed. Dominic must have felt it cause he turned around. "Do you think Ivan's alright?" I didn't want to ruin my friendship with him. Dominic scoffed. "Stop thinking about him" he warned. I liked it when he got jealous. He wouldn't admit it but I knew. "I can think about whoever I want when I want" It was true. He can't play jealous anytime I talk to a guy. He gently yanked me to him. He smoothed his hand on my hair. "I can't have you thinking about someone else. I want to be the only one you think about. Do you think about me at all sweetheart? Hmmm?" Well Ofcourse I think about him. All the fucking time but I won't admit that to him. "No you barely cross my mind Dominic but there's someone that ____" Before I got a chance to finish his lips crushed onto mine. Kissing so hard until my vision blurred. He pulled away. "Well there you go something to think about" He said. My stomach released the butterflies that were waiting to set free. He smirked at my shock. He embraced me in a hug. Heat dominated my skin. I felt his chin lay on the top of my head. "I'm the only one you can think about. You always roam around my mind rent free so please return the favor. I want you to miss me the same way I miss you when you're not around. You have no clue what it's like without you. Without you____ it's vague and lifeless. A place without you in it is a place I would die" My heartbeat increased. "Dominic I___ thank you" Silence except our harsh breathing. "Can I kiss you again?" He never asked for permission before. I nodded. He kissed me. This time it was gentle and sweet. The kind of kiss I ached for my whole life. And now___ the kind of kiss I will forever have.

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