Chapter 1: Pawn

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"Ugghh," Ruka woke up with a huge pain in her head as she surveyed her surroundings. She seemed to have fallen off her bed and hit her head.

"Huh," she grunted as she saw that she was in a Luxurious room with so many decorations.

As she tried to get up, Ruka noticed that her hands were small. She immediately spotted a mirror and crawled to it and she used to check out her reflection and was shocked.

Before her was the cutest dark-skinned girl she had ever seen.

She had long beautiful purple hair which reached her thigh and a pair of beautiful sapphire eyes. Her dark skin was so smooth and delicate. She looked like a child who was a few months old.

"What the fuck?" Ruka cursed as she pinched herself going that it was a dream but it wasn't. She also looked at herself to see that she was wearing some native Chinese clothing which caused her to frown.

"So uncomfortable," Ruka complained as she couldn't stand the fabric one bit.

She then laid down on the ground trying to remember what happened to her. And she was too lazy to crawl back to the bed. She sighed as she then remembered and it all became clear.

She was in a celebration of her company's big success and was celebrating it with all of the biggest business people in the country.

She then remembered the drink her best friend gave her. But she definitely didn't drink it since she knew how much her best friend was jealous of her success. She relied on no one other than herself and her best friend was jealous about the fact how Ruka relied on no rich man to help her but she had to rely on rich men to get where she is. What's more, Ruka's business was more successful than all the rich men she relied on.

She then remembered how there was a terrorist attack at the party and they began to kill most of the top business people in the world. Even their bodyguards had trouble fighting them off. She heard the plan of the terrorist going to display the dead body of the people they killed and broadcast it throughout the country and even kill their relatives.

Ruka hid in a hidden room she found and sighed in despair. She never revealed her family to the public in order to keep them safe and it didn't seem like the terrorist were leaving anytime soon. Ruka tried to call for help, but the signal was lost.

Luckily Ruka wrote in her will that only her parents and siblings would get her wealth, no other family member. So she stayed there in the room for days and nights but the terrorist still didn't leave. Due to not eating food or drinking water, her body became dehydrated and she was extremely hungry.

"So I died out of starvation," Ruka concluded as she sighed again.

"Damn it I worked so damn hard for the business to grow just to die and not enjoy my wealth. Fuck luck!!"

All of a sudden Ruka's surroundings turned dark as she had a confused expression on her face.

"Hahahahaha," a beautiful voice could be heard laughing like a heavenly tune, but to Ruka, it was pure terror. That laugh caused Ruka's entire body to tremble in fear as she could feel a horrible intense pressure being directed at her.

"Do you know why I called you here child?" A beautiful voice rang out in the dark as a bright purple light covered the entire area.

Ruka raised her small head to see the most beautiful person she had ever laid eyes upon.

A 9 feet tall woman, with beautiful body proportions and butterflies, flew around her.

The woman had long purple hair up to her waist, accompanied by a pair of beautiful purple eyes which complimented her fair skin, with flower-shaped pupils. She wore a lovely white gown and her chest plate made with silver petals.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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