"I'm sorry.. I wish I could.. but I'm meeting my friend at that time.. ah.. take this.." Sungyoon gives Leia some amount of money.

"Buy something for Jibeom's daughter as a gift from me, okay? Convey my apology to him because I can't come.." Sungyoon says. Leia nods.

*   *   *

Leia goes to a store near the location Jibeom gave to buy some gifts for Jibeom's daughter. Leia buys a dress as a gift from Sungyoon while she buys a kid's digital camera as a gift from her. After she buys it, she heads off to the bakery that Jibeom told.

*   *   *

Jibeom's storytelling
Jibeom has just set the table for the party.

"Is everything done ?" His mother-in-law asks while putting the cake on the table.

"Yes.." Jibeom replies. Jibeom and his mother-in-law walks to the counter as Bomin, Jibeom's father-in-law and Areum are there.

"Omma.. Appa.. my friend from Serendipity will be coming too today, is it okay?" Jibeom asks.

"Of course! Why not?" The mother-in-law smiles.

"Is it a woman?" The father-in-law asks. Jibeom smiles shyly and he nods.

"I've been wanting to introduce her to you guys for a long time. You guys must be really shocked to see her.." Jibeom says.

"Really?" Jibeom's in-laws smile.

*   *   *

10 minutes before the party starts. All guests have come to the party. Jibeom's in-laws are busy greeting all guests while Bomin is serving the customers who come and Jibeom is busy tying Areum's hair.

"Omma!!!" Areum screams as soon as she sees someone entering the bakery. Both Jibeom and Bomin look at the person that Areum shouted as "Omma". Bomin can't believe his eyes. Jibeom smiles widely. It's Leia.

"Hi Jibeom" Leia walks towards Jibeom with a big smile.

"You came!" Jibeom smiles.

"Of course! You invited me but I'm sorry.. Sungyoon can't make in time to come!" Leia says. Jibeom nods. Leia looks at Bomin. Bomin is still stunned. He can't take his eyes off Leia.

"Oh.. this is Bomin. Do you remember him? The one you talked with during Confidant Day" Jibeom introduces Bomin to Leia.

"Oh! I remembered you! Hi Bomin!" Leia greets Bomin happily.

"H-hi.. L-Leia?" Bomin says. Then, Bomin looks at Jibeom.

"Omma.." Areum says while looking at Leia. Leia smiles shyly.

"Areum, this is not your Omma.." Jibeom says. Areum shakes her head.

"No! Omma.. Areum's Omma.." Areum says. Jibeom smiles awkwardly.

"This is.. Areum?" Leia asks. Jibeom nods.

"You're so cute and beautiful in person! Just like your name" Leia says while pinching Areum's cheek. Areum smiles widely.

"Wait.. I need to call for Omma and Appa.." Bomin says. He then runs to his parents. A few minutes later, Bomin comes with his parents to meet Leia. Both parents are stunned.

"J-Joo.. Ah.." Jibeom's mother-in-law says.

*   *   *

The party starts merrier than ever. Areum is so happy to celebrate her 3rd birthday in a such beautiful party. Leia at the same time feels so happy to see Jibeom's smile. She has never seen that side of him, but of course, it's really nice seeing his smile.

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