Into the Unknown

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Five pair of eyes look at the person who was suddenly struck with pain. Concern and curiosityin their eyes.

"Are you alright there Caelus" Himeko asked worriedly.

"Im fine. But the mention of that place, Teyvat, made the stellaron within me pulse a beat." Caelus said. He placed a hand on his chest looking wearily at everyone.

"Himeko and I will give you a check up afterwards just in case." Welt said. Placing a hand on Caelus's shoulder trying to reassure him and the others.

Caelus looks up to Mr. Yang and the others with a smile on his face. "Thanks Mr. Yang. I appreciate it."

"So what do we know about his place? Is it connected a stellaron? The Stellaron Hunters?" March asked.

"Im afraid thats where things get complicated." Himeko said. As she did Dan Heng typed Teyvat in the search engine on screen but instead of the file! a Pop-up appeared.

The Pop-up box is plain. The words Password in the middle top. Below it is an input box. The only strange thing was the insignia in the background.

"What's that? A password? Thats a first why are the Details sealed and what's that insignia?" Caelus asked.

"Its the sign of the Trailblazer. It would seem that we were right to Akivili's last whereabouts. The Data has been sealed by Akivili himself. For as to why. Well we dont know the answer to that yet" said Welt matter a factly.

"However, I think I can break the encryption using the energy pulse we received. " Dan Heng said as he typed on the keyboard. Several things flashed on the screen. Too fast for Caelus and March to understand but after everything! The Screen glowed gold and the Pop-up dissolved. The folder was unlocked.

Dan Heng double clicked the icon and the screen was filled with the details and notes on Teyvat. From its geography to language. From the various deities and powers manifesting within the planet. Everything was there for them to peruse and go though.

Before they take a deep dive on the files, Mr. Yang suggested that they clean up the table first so that they have a "good working environment" Everyone agreed (Mach and Caelus were reluctant since they just started not 15 mins ago.) Pom-pom came by brining 5 empty trolly carts and they loaded them up with all the food and drinks. With all 6 of them working together the task was over quite fast. Pom-pom then pushed the carts towards the buffet cabin where they can continue earting later.

After that, they read on how Teyvat Operates. The files aren't too detailed simply stating that there are 8 nations and each are ruled by a deity or Archon in Teyvat terms except of one. 7 elements are part of the natural laws of the planet. Anemo, Geo, Electro, Dendro, Hydro, Pyro, and Cryo.

It would seen Akivili spent so much time on this planet. But it all of a sudden the entries stopped. This caused the Crew to become more curious and worried.

"What! That can't be it. Where's the rest of the entries?" Exclaimed March.

Dang Heng was quick to add however that the entries further are corrupted and will take sometime to fix. On the screen they can see a progress bar on the right side which displays "5%"

"Huh! 5 percent. So that means we barely know anything. This is so not fair" March Groaned. The Others agreed! Nodding their heards.

"Okay Crew. The question now is. Do we trailblaze to Teyvat next or do we continue on the path ahead of us." Himeko asked her companions looking at them.

"Is it even safe? I mean we're talking about the place where the Trailblazers potentially met their end. "Caelus asked worriedly.

"According to our scans. Teyvat is in a chaotic region of space. One where the Imaginary Tree and Sea of Quanta collide. That said, the Astral Express can handle it and safely traverse the area. We wont have any problem leaving if we chose to mid-adventure" Pom-pom advised.

Caelus, although still skeptical, gives in. "Alright count my vote in. Onwards to Teyvat" He smiles looking at his travel family.

March pipes up "Me too. I want to know what happened and this could be a chance to solve one of the greatest mysteries of the universe"

"Dan Heng. What about you? What are your thoughts?" Himeko inquired, turning to face the young man as he was focused on the computer.

Dan Heng looks up to them and says "I go where my family goes".

March immediately jumps to hug him. "Awe you. You're our family too."

Caelus joins them and looks up to Himeko and Welt. "What about you guys" he asks.

"Ive got no problem. Something tells me that even though we take this shortcut the journey is far from over. Uncovering the events that happened is one the reasons I started to trailblaze" Himeko replies.

"Lets go then. We cant pass an opportunity like this. Id like to think of it as a detour" Welt adds on.

"Then its decided. Next Stop: Teyvat" Pom-pom exclaims.
"We will be departing in 15 mins. Please get your affairs in order then proceed to your seats afterwards"

The crew then parted. Some went to the bathroom for a quick break others continued their meals.

15 mins Later

The crew has gathered once again in the Parlor. They dont want to miss the view of the planet that the Aeon Akivili love so much.

Everyone except for March takes their respective seats. Welt and Himeko get comfortable by the arm chairs while Caelus and Dan Heng share the couch, sitting beside each other.

"Did Mr. Yang find anything concerning, Caelus?" Dan Heng inquired turning to look at his roommate

"No. The stellaron seems to have become dormant again" Caelus replied. Moving one hand to his chest where the stellaron resides

Everyone was brought to attention when Pom-pom's voice came to on the intercom.

"Hello. All passengers please head to you seat. The train is about to jump. Hold on everyone. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1" Pom-pom announced

As Pom-pom announced the train was engulfed in a blue aura and outside, the passengers can see the stars room pass them into nothing more than streaks of light.

As quickly as it happened, it was over in a flash. The blue aura disappeared and the scene outside began to focus.

The sight should have been breath taking if not for the danger it posed.

Outside they can see golden branch like constructs as well as dark clouds seemingly playing tug of war or embracing the planet at the middle.

Everyone was amazed at the sight.

"Is that Teyvat? Are we sure its safe?" March asked

"Not to worry. The train tells me that a station for the Express was built somewhere in Teyvat". Pom-pom said. Seemingly appearing out of nowhere. "However we would need Mr. Yang and Dan Heng's powers to guide us. As well as the stellarons we have on board" He added.

He further explained that the station seemed to be in a place that was heavily sealed. The stellarons (From Belabog and Xianzhou Loufu) combined with Mr. Yang and Dan Heng's abilities over the Imaginary will allow them to pry the seal just enough for them to create a passageway allowing entry and exit. So with a plan, they set to work. A few moments later the Express is safely parked in the station.

A few miles from the station, a little girl feels the change while browsing the data bank of this world. Worry fills her mind and so she sends for the one who has helped not only her but others.

In another part of the world. The traveler and his companion has just arrived at Fontaine's Adventurers Guild branch.

Ad astra abyssosque. Welcome to the adventurers guild.

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