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Hyoseop flipped open the compact mirror his stylist had given him, tidying his hair one last time before putting it away. His manager parked the van and looked behind towards the passenger seat, "Okay we're here. How are you feeling about this one?"

"Bit nervous, to be honest."

"Really? You've been fine up until now!"

He sighed, "I know, but it seems real now. I still can't believe I said yes to playing this character, it's so new and exciting but I don't know if I'll be able to pull it off!"

His manager laughed, "I think you'll be fine, you tend to surprise yourself. Besides, your leading lady for this one is a pro at what she does."

"That I agree," Hyoseop nodded, "did you see how good she was during the chemistry read?"

"I saw how good you both were as a team. Honestly, I don't want to jinx it but I think this drama will be a hit. Now, are we going to stay in this van forever or are we going to join the script reading?"

He took one last deep breath before slipping his mask on and stepping out of the car. Together, they walked inside the building and took the elevator up to the third floor. Hyoseop checked the time on his phone. He was a bit early, but he wanted to get there early and say hello to everyone. He could hear the chatter from down the hall as soon as the elevator doors opened. It seems like a few of the cast members had already arrived, along with the crew and director.

Hyoseop made his rounds, introducing himself to everyone and trying his best to get to know them, making mental notes of details shared by his new cast members. Being an introvert, it was always hard for him to approach people first, but he wanted to put his best foot forward for this one, considering it was a project he'd been looking forward to for months.

He approached Lee Deok-Hwa, the man who was going to play his grandfather, "Hello again sunbae-nim, it's such an honour to be working with you."

"Oh, Hyoseop-ah," he replied as he stood up, "so good that you're here!"

Hyoseop turned towards Inah and bowed, "Good to see you again,"

"You too! I'm so excited that we're finally kicking off," Inah smiled brightly, "Deok-Hwa sunbae-nim, it's a privilege to be sitting next to you."

"Ah you youngsters, I'm thrilled to be working with such a talented group of people."

Inah smiled, "Just wait until you meet Sejeong, this will be your first time working with her right?"

He nodded, "Correct, and I've heard nothing but good things about her."

At that very moment, a loud voice traveled through the hallway outside, someone profusely apologising for being late and saying hello cheerfully to everyone.

Inah laughed, "And there she is,"

Hyoseop turned his head towards the door as Sejeong stepped in. Although she was wearing a mask, anyone could tell just how wide her grin was underneath it, she had one of those smiles that made her entire face glow. It had been several weeks since they met each other at her musical, and even longer since their first chemistry read. And just as it was back then, Hyoseop tensed up, suddenly becoming even more aware of himself and nervous that he was going to mess something up. Something about her just simply took his breath away.

"Good morning everyone!" Sejeong bowed to the room, "I'm so sorry for being late!"

"You're right on time!" Their director replied from across the table, "We now have everyone here, so we'll start in about 5 minutes, thanks again everyone for coming today!"

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