Part one: stained memories

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Thunder erupted and lightning struck within  the darkness, shining through the window panes.

Knock ..


Both the knocks and the storm awoke Park Sun-hwa from her peaceful slumber. She slightly opened and rubbed her eyes before staring at her alarm clock, it read 3 a.m.

"Who could be knocking on my door at this time of the night?" Stepping out of her bed, she headed out into the hallway and down the stairs.



"Hold on, I'm coming." Reaching for the handle, she opened the door to flashing red and blue lights and a police officer standing outside her home.

"What seems to be the problem, officer?" She asked as she gripped her robe tighter to her frail body.

"Are you Ms.Park? Or Park Sun-hwa?" She nodded slightly

"Yes? What happened?"

"Do you know a couple by the name of Y/D/N and Y/M/N?"

(Dad and moms name, if you don't wanna use that, you can add a different name if you want)

"Yes, They used to stay with me for a while before moving back to their home, Why? What happened?" Her heart sank as she heard these words

"Both of them were murdered in-front of their daughter a few days seemed to be a robbery gone wrong"

"Where is she? Where is Y/n?" She asked frantically looking around

"She's in the back of the car, still shaking up about it and hasn't said anything to us"

"Then how do you know it's a robbery gone wrong?" Her eyes never left his

"She wrote it onto a piece of paper. She's a bit dazed and scared to even show up back here"

"Let me see her" Ms.Park headed towards the car, not caring if she ends up getting soaked by the rain and knocked on the back window.

Y/n lifted her head up slightly, before eyeing her fully.. her once proud and happy eyes died down to a dull yet soft stare. Her joyful smile Ms. Park remembered from her last visit was held by a straight line.

Park Sun-hwa was saddened by this, she opened the door and knelt down towards the teenage girl.

" you remember me?" Y/n nodded slightly

"Okay, that's good..I'm sorry about your parents, they were both amazing people." She just frowned

"Would you like to live with me? I know your mom would've loved if you stayed with me..since I knew her when we were just kids.." Y/n remained still before nodding again. Wiping her brown eyes from the tears that fell, she stood up.

"Okay hun, come with me." Taking off her robe, she held onto Y/n's hand and helped her out the car. She wrapped the robe around Y/n's head and ushered her inside the house.

"Thank you Officer"

After a few minutes of talking with the officer, she closed the door and headed straight for
y/n who sat on the couch in the living room.

"You're welcome to stay as long as you want, Y/n. I really don't mind. As long as I'm here, no one will hurt you, okay?" Y/n just stared at her..

The next thing Park Sun-hwa knew was that she was sent straight to the floor in a crushing hug as Y/n sobbed violently.

"There, there. I've got you. I'll take care of you, until the day I die and even after that. That's a promise."

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