Battle 1: Shuchi'in Academy

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Man: P-Please! I swear I'll get the money! Y-you already killed all of my men!

It was a beautiful night in Nagoya, Japan. Most people are out eating dinner, some hanging out at bars, others are simply walking back home from work...

Y/N: Please, don't assume I would do anything that rash. I may have taken out all of your men, but reassure, they are not dead. They are simply unconscious... and bleeding.

But it was a different night for two people who are on the top floor on of a luxury building. Y/N was send to collect some payment the businessman had borrow.

Man: I-I just need more time! Please!

The businessman is currently backing up to the glass window overlooking the city. He looked at the "dead" bodies over his office. Then looked at the man is is currently walking towards him. The man was wearing open trench coat over some dark brown pants with black leather shoes and white suit shirt with a red tie.

Y/N: You said that last time someone else was here to collect payment. So they send me to deal with instead. So, I leaving this building with the payment, or I leaving with a body bag.

Y/N picked up the businessman by the collar. The businessman's phone fell out of his pocket and the lock screen turn on. It shows a high school girl next to a the business man next to a sign. Y/N kicked up the phone to his free hand to to take a closer look.

Man: Don't hurt my daughter! Please! She hasn't done anything!

Y/N took a good look at the sign on the lock screen

Y/N thoughts: Shuchi'in Academy...

Y/N drop the the businessman. He dialed up 119 on the businessman's phone and then toss it to the businessman lap.

Y/N: That's for your guards. You get extra time. You better have the payment the next time one of us is here, or else you won't be lucky next time.

Man: T-Thank you! I promise I will! B-But why did you chance your mind?

Y/N: I just felt like it. Just leave it at that.

Y/N walked out of the office and head to the elevator.  As he enters the elevator and descended to the bottom of the building, he sigh.

Y/N thoughts: I want some strawberry milk...


Dad: So you gave the guy extra time?

Y/N: Yeah...

Dad: *Sigh* How come?

Y/N: ...

Y/N was leaning on his motorcycle outside a convenience store. He was currently on the phone with his dad.

Dad: The great "Fox of Death" wouldn't do this without a reason. So explain yourself.

Y/N: I just saw something and it remined me of something.

Dad: What was it?

Y/N: Just a photo of the businessman and his daughter first day of high school.

Dad: So you pity him because of it?

Y/N: I didn't... it's complicated... that's all.

Dad: Sure... but probably not as complicated as the letter you hide in your room?

Y/N-SAMA: LOVE IS ETERNAL (XMaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now