So What?

340 2 19

POV Of.. Larry Johnson.                                     Contains.. Cursing.    Mentions of abuse.             

Beep Beep Beep*

I groan as I hear my alarm go off.

"Damn Alarm.."

I get up lazily and head to a pile of laundry to get a Sanity Falls shirt and black jeans.

"This will have to do" I think to myself.

I head to my bathroom to get changed and brush my teeth.

"I should go see if Sal is ready" I think to myself.

I walk to the kitchen grabbing a pop tart.

I walk into the elevator and press 4.

Ding* Ding* Ding* Ding*

I walk out and knock on 402.

After a minute or 2, a blue haired masked boy opens the door.

"Hey Larryface!" The bluenette says.

"Hey Sal! Ready to go?" I ask.

"Yup!" The Bluenette responds.

We start walking on the sidewalk while talking about random things. Eventually, Sal starts to talk about Travis.. Our school bully.

" Y'know Larry.. I have a suspicion that Travis might be getting Abused." Sal says.

"So What? He would deserve it anyways." I say in an annoyed tone.

" Larry! This is serious!" Sal shouts out.

" Even if he is, what do you want me to do about it?" I say.

" Just.. Don't be so mean to him.." Sal says.

" WHAT?! Sal!! Do you hear yourself?? He bullies us every day!" I yell out.

" I know.. There has to be a reason why!" Sal says.

Around 2 minutes we make it to the school and the first person I see is Travis fucking Phelps.. Great..

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