Bitter Hope and Tasteful Despair

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"Now, a little to the left. My left, mind you."

(Y/n) moved his tail accordingly. The sea witch, a Mr. Emlyn Tenebris had his caudal peduncle firmly gripped in one tentacle and another pressed right into the center of (Y/n)'s tail.

A sharp pain pinched through his spine with the movement, his tail twitching to a stop as he groaned in discomfort.


Emlyn scratched something down onto his notepad, a small slab of rock he was likely using to give (Y/n) a proper diagnosis.

"You said this happened seven years ago?"

(Y/n) nodded. Emlyn hummed, tapping at the rock with the shell he was using to write. A few more tentacles joined the two already on (Y/n)'s tail, feeling around and squeezing gently.

"So, what's a cecaelia doing all the way up here? I thought you guys preferred being in the twilight zone."

Emlyn shrugged.

"Most of the other merfolk and cecaelia already know witchcraft down there. They don't exactly need my help... I thought it might be nice to come up here and help more poor, unfortunate souls like yourself. Merfolk who desperately need proper treatment, you know? It's what I mainly do anyway."

"That's... really kind of you."

"Ha. It's no big deal to me. Besides, the scenery is beautiful. What do you like to do?"

(Y/n) hummed sadly, crossing his arms slightly.

"Well, ever since the... the accident, I mostly just garden. There's only red seaweed around, unfortunately, but a few anemones have made a home there."

"What about before the accident?"

A sigh left his lips, (e/c) gaze turned thoughtfully upward.

"I... I used to watch humans passing through the Pacific. Nadia thinks it's silly, but... seeing them made me want to be a human, too. Sometimes, I wonder what it would be like to dance the way they do."

(Y/n) flinched as one of Emlyn's tentacles squeezed a particular spot right above his ruined anal fin.


"Sorry. How much did that hurt?"

"A-about a six..."

Emlyn tutted before scratching at his notepad again.

"Unfortunately, I don't think I can heal this."

"Don't worry about it. I didn't think you would be able to anyway..."

Emlyn's tentacles retreated, and he placed his notepad into his woven seaweed bag.

"I may not be able to heal you, but I can offer to make your wish come true."

(Y/n) paused at that, staring right into Emlyn's strange octopus-like eyes.

"You don't mean that you can..."

"Oh yes, I do. Although my spellcraft has limitations on severe injuries such as yours, I can most definitely give you a set of legs. I can't guarantee that they'll both be 100% functional on account of how your spinal bone is damaged, but humans have found ways to work around such disabilities. I can get you up there for about... let's see..."

Emlyn began to count on his fingers, doing quick calculations in his head.

"One full day. Any longer than that might damage your body even further."

Though it was a short time frame, (Y/n)'s heart was bursting with joy.

"However, this service isn't cheap. The potion requires a lot of rare ingredients that I don't have immediate access to. Since it takes from my limited stock, I'll need about... fifty... no. Eighty diamonds."


(Y/n) shook his head.

"Neither of us has access to any diamond deposits. Thanks anyway..."

Emlyn reached out, placing a gentle hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder. His expression was warm and kind.

"I am no cruel monster. Someone like you deserves to have their wish granted. Instead, I'll accept your voice as payment. It will be mine while you're gone, and I'll return it when you come back. Sound fair?"

(Y/n) had never said yes to anything faster than he did then.

"Perfect. You should probably tell your friend where you'll be going."

"No need, she'll just tell me that it's a bad idea anyway."

"Alright. I hope you know that I won't be taking the fall for that."

"Of course not!"

For once in a very long time, (Y/n) felt alive and free.

Poor Unfortunate SoulOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora