Chapter Twenty-Two

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Here we are again ... I'm embarking on a new journey of a fanfiction story. This time, we're going with a post-apocalyptic vibe. I recently watched The 100 on Netflix. I'd been intrigued to write a story based off that show/series of novels. I decided to write it for NaNoWriMo. I'd starting almost halfway through the month, but I'm determined to, at least, get something going. My goal is to finish the story for NaNoWriMo July Camp ...

Chapter Twenty-Two: At the Drop Ship


After our early morning meeting with Amun and his advisory board, we came up with a plan. As it turned out, Bella had been in the encampment last night and Amun provided some medical care to her, along with feeding her a hasty meal. He was concerned about her, wanting nothing more than to get her out of the horrific situation she was in, but Jacob refused to let her go.

Jacob was certain that Bella could save Aro, but according to Amun, nothing could save Aro.

As we sat with Amun and his leaders, he shared what he saw about Bella. "She was bruised from head to toe. I don't think she's eaten since she's gotten here," Amun said, his sneer disappearing and his gaze softening, obviously concerned for my Bella. "Jacob has been obsessed with trying to fix the one inside. He will not survive. I believe your Bella told them the same and he beat her until she was unconscious."

"What does that prove?" Emmett huffed.

"That he's more powerful than she," Amun explained. "He might be physically stronger, but he's a weak man to beat a woman to prove his worth. Women are to be revered and loved, not beaten."

"He's a man who will pay for his crimes," I said darkly. "I hope that you won't judge me for what I will do to him, or that it will cause a rift in our alliance."

"If Jacob had taken my Indra, hurting her as he has with your Bella, he would no longer breathe," Amun snarled, his eyes flashing with hatred. "You are well within your right to bring him to justice, however that looks to your people."

Shortly after that, we finalized our plans. With the Grounders, we were going to be escorted to the Drop Ship as prisoners, but we would be armed to the teeth. The Grounders would also finagle a way to get Bella out of the ship and to safety. In addition to that, members of our security team would be hidden in their tents and homes, primed to attack Jacob's followers, should they try to run or fight.

Amun stood to my right and his second in command was on Emmett's left. We walked slowly toward the Drop Ship encampment. Jacob's people were in pitiful shape, living in hovels and appeared to be malnourished. The only people who seemed to be in good health were the Grounders.

This was no alliance with Jacob.

We approached the inner circle of the Drop Ship. Two Grounders stood outside the ship. One of them, I recognized from the Ark and in disguise. The other was one of Amun's men who was at our meeting. They grunted, stepping in front of the door.

"I'm here to see Jacob," Amun said, arching a brow. "We captured these two men, sneaking around our campsite."

They grunted and stepped back, allowing us entrance.

Inside the Drop Ship, the sickly-sweet stench of illness filled the space. Emmett gagged next to me, as did Amun's second-in-command. I wrinkled my nose, but focused on what was causing the smell.

In the center of the space, laying on a pallet, was the shattered, broken form of Aro Volturi. His skin was charred and oozing. His face was not burnt, but he was pale and gaunt. He also was missing one of his legs and there was a deep rattle emanating from where he breathed.

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