Hong Joochan :
Found you!

*   *   *

Leia enters the party with Joochan. There, she finds that everyone has already arrived. Chaerin is partnering with Jibeom, Aya is partnering with Donghyun while Hanni is partnering with Jaehyun.

"Finally, you come!" Jaehyun says. Joochan and Leia smiles. Leia sits next to Jibeom since there's the only seat left for her. Jibeom and Leia smile at each other.

"You good?" Jibeom asks Leia.

"Yeah" Leia replies. Then, they are all having fun together.

*   *   *

After a few hours, Chaerin goes to the bathroom and she asks Jibeom to accompany her because there is too many people around. Now it's left only another 6 participants there.

"There's a lot of people today" Jaehyun says.

"Aren't half of them are your friends? I'm stacking up on saying hi every time Jaehyun takes his steps" Donghyun says.

"Hahaha they are all fun people!" Aya says.

"That was so chaotic!" Hanni says.

"That was fun too!" Aya says.

"I wanna go to the restroom for a while. I think there's something in my eyes" Hanni says.

"Do you want me to come?" Jaehyun asks.

"No it's okay! I'll find Chaerin and Jibeom too when I got there" Hanni says.

"Oh okay.. take care" Jaehyun says. Then Hanni gets up to go to the restroom.

"What are we going to do with Aya, everyone?" Joochan says while pointing out at the drunk Aya.

"Let's stop letting her drink.." Leia says.

"There's not even much in her.." Joochan says. Suddenly, a message appears from Serendipity. It turned out to be Chaerin who's messaging through it.

Ha Chaerin :
Wait where's everyone?
I forgot what floor we are in
There's so much people I can't even see you guys!

Kim Donghyun :
Jibeom isn't with you?

Ha Chaerin :
He said he'll be waiting for me outside but when I went out of the restroom, he wasn't there🥲

Kim Donghyun :
Kim Jibeom how dare you leave Chaerin alone?

Jang Aya :
Chaerin we're at the 33rd floor!

Ha Chaerin :

Hong Joochan :
3rd floor

Bong Jaehyun :
My friend said Aya is funny

Kim Donghyun :
She was lying to us this whole time about being shy
She was just shy to us!

Jung Leia :
Wow I'm gonna be sad if it's true

Jang Aya :
What noooo
I'm being honest

Bong Jaehyun :
Then Chaerin, Jibeom, are you at the 2nd floor now?
Have you met Hanni?

Jang Aya :
Everyone come come
Let's get party all night

Bong Jaehyun :
There's so many people I want to introduce you guys to

Kim Donghyun :
I thought it was just us this time around haha

Ha Chaerin :
Urmm someone?
Can someone come here?
Come downstairs right now
2nd floor, near the toilet
Hurry up!

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