Chapter 13: Investigation

Start from the beginning

"My name is Wyatt." 

"My name is River." 

"And like I said, we just want to talk to you. Can you come touch the device on the table over there?" 

Something creaked behind Wyatt as he knelt by the couch. 

"I heard that." Ryan nodded as he pointed at the sound. "Was that you coming closer? We're not going to hurt you." 

"Maybe the little girl?" Wyatt whispered and pulled the EMF out of his pocket and held it out. "How about mine? I hear you behind me. Can you touch it?" 

River heard a soft shuffling a second before the REMPOD on the nightstand screeched. "That scared me! Thank you! That's great." He swept the camera around the room back to Ryan. 

The EMF on the coffee table clicked a few times and Ryan sat down on the couch. "Can you tell us your name?" 

".....paper...." The spirit box said.

"Paper?" Ryan frowned at the word. "What do you mean? We don't understand."

"Is there paper around here?" River asked as he looked around. 

"Maybe in a drawer?" 

"Wait....." Wyatt stood up suddenly. "Paper. Didn't we do the pencil on paper test? You know....the yes no experiment?"

"That's right!" Ryan jumped to his feet. "That's right! We did do that!" 

"I forgot about that." 

"Right!" Wyatt nodded. "I was thinking and then it clicked. Maybe this is whoever kept pushing the pencil." 

"Is that true?" Ryan pressed his hands together as he looked around. "Do you remember us from last time? Do you remember pushing the pencil?"


The boys yelled in excitement. 

"Thank you! Yes, that's me." Ryan acknowledged. "Thank you for saying my name." 


"This is the little girl, Elizabeth? Is that right?'

The sound of running footsteps in the hall had them all turning towards the door. 

"No shot!" River said, his hand covering his mouth in shock. 


The walkie chirped and River jumped. "Yeah?"

"Was that one of you?" 

"The running? No. You heard it too?"

"It stopped outside my door and then this thing just went full volume loud static."  Quinn's nervous voice filled the room. 

"Is she good?" Ryan asked, his eyes on the radio in River's hand. 

"Are you okay?" River asked her. 

"I'm fine. Just freaked me out for a minute. Sorry."

"No, it's okay." 

"Ask her if she has the EMF close by." Wyatt said.

River repeated the question. 

"Yeah, it's right here next to me. It's still green." 

Ryan looked at the camera in the corner and held up a thumbs up knowing she could see it. Walking over to the small desk, he opened the drawer and found a piece of paper and a pencil. "Was that you? Are you running in the hallway?" 


"Do one of you have a pen?" He asked. 

"Should be one in the front of the camera bag." River said as he turned his light so Ryan could see the bag on the bed.

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