I ran down th hall into a bathroom.

I sobbed and cried like my life depended on it.

Yes I've know Andrew for three days. He has a hold over me. We met when my " Friends" got me drunk and shoved me in the car with that bastard.

Then for him to pull this and get another girl here. It hurts.

I looked at myself in the mirror.

Brown eyes watery.

Hands shaking.

Lib trembling.

Mind blank.

I opened the door not realizing how much time passed.

It must have been a few hours because the sunny day was now dark and gloomy.

I sighed. I turned when the door opened revealing a pretty brown skin girl. Much like me.

Her hair was a bronze color matching her eyes.

I sighed again.

" I don't have time for this " I mumbled.

" For what?" Andrew whispered in my ear as he slammed my back into the wall. "Remember I own you"

That had me crashing down.

Hurt after hurt, pain after pain.

The pretty girl looked at me with awe in her eyes.

" your a submissive too?" She squeaked as Andrew threw her a glare.

He buried his face in my shoulder.

Bending down to do so.

Jordan came running from the back room , startling the poor girl.

" your Lenny?" She gave him a dumb face, and he didn't hesitate to snatch her up and push her against the wall.

She was scared and it didn't take a blind man to see that.

He whispered some thing in her ear and she hesitatingly raised her legs around his waist.

I watched the whole ordeal while andrew was giving me various hickeys.

" are u still angry at me? Or with me?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

He picked me up bridal style and set me in the middle of his bed.

My face and mind still blank.

He stripped me down and only when his mouth found mine was all my worries washed away.

" I'll continue to love you to my dying breathe. "

And after he uttered the words lovingly in my ear, my doubts washed away also.

That night he made me feel like I was the only girl in world.


I woke up to a shriek. I jerked up and fumbled outta bed.

I walked down the hall naked, I looked at the scene in front of my face.

I laughed until I couldn't take it.

Jordan had the Lenny girl on her knees and hands in front of him. He smacked her butt. And she lurched forward making her take andrew whole.

It was funny because her eyes would get huge. And jordan would smile at that.

I could tell she was going to be I'm for a lon-

I looked up and andrew eyes invaded mine earning my own shriek.

He turned me around pushing me against the wall.

" you laughing?"

" No sir" he Nuzzled my neck.

" I think you are "

" no sir I wasn't ... Sir" he licked my neck

" but I saw you laughing. And giggling so you lying to me?"

" yes sir, I'm sorry sir" he dragged me by my hair. Till I was in front of the Lenny girl. I was told to get on my hands and knees.

" I think our girls need a good f*cking" Andrew said. And me and Lenny eyes got big.

" I think they do."

We were told to cover each others mouths. And if any sound escaped the other we would get fucked harder.

Andrew entered me roughly the same time jordan entered Lenny.

She moaned and I couldn't cover it up so andrew thrusted into me harder.

I screamed out and Lenny got it harder.

I think the boys were enjoying this because they lowered us on to our stomachs so just our butts were in the air.

Lenny and I screamed out and gasp as they went even faster.

I didn't think it was possible.

Lenny screamed out again.

I couldn't blame her as a rookie she was taking this good.

Andrew exited me. He got on one knee and angled his self.

This time he came back harder.

I saw jordan doing the same.

" the first girl to climax gets fucked by both of us, until we get tired "

Lenny's eyes widened and I saw the hint of mischief. With her free hand she snuck it under my stomach and rubbed my clit.

I bursted with a scream and she wasn't far behind.

"Well sierra looks like your the lucky viticm " jordan exited lenny with a pop and she sunk to the floor half sleep. He grabbed a pillow and blanket and helped her comfortable.

Jordan turned back to me and andrew started up again faster.

He stuck his leaking member in my mouth and made me take him whole.

When that girl wakes up I swear she's getting it.

Aye guys don't forget to vote if u can. Thanks

Pleasure Me (BWWM) ( Heavy Editing)Where stories live. Discover now