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Revelation 21: 4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death'[] or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. NIV-version

Elijah cried for days after losing his mother. It was rough when the only strong role model in his life was gone. At eight years old he could not begin to process a life without his mother. She was his bedrock and happy place. Suddenly, he felt like he was alone in the world because his father was always busy and did not spend quality time with him like his mother used to.  

Elijah Freeman Sr. knocked at his son's door several times encouraging him to come out of his room. He stood leaning at the bedroom door concerned that his son was taking his mother's death so hard. He ran his finger through his hair making a few calls trying to get a counsellor to talk with Elijah about the feelings he had built up inside him. 

Elijah looked up to heaven still trying to bargain with God. "Lord, please let her come back to me. I miss her so much. This is too hard," he cried. 

Elijah waited for an answer to his prayer and stayed in his room disappointed that he would never see his mother again. 

After several days Elijah Sr. was overwhelmed with the situation. "Elijah, come out of your room. Let's talk about it," he said as gently as he could.

Elijah was angry that his dad would not leave him alone. He could tell his dad was irritated by the situation and perhaps preferred to go to one of his board meetings. 

Elijah reluctantly opened the door and got dressed to get his dad off his back. "Elijah, I know you miss your mother but she would not want you to stay like a hermit in your room. You can honor her memory by living each day to the fullest and remembering her," his father said. 

Elijah was not at all moved by his father's words. If his mother was alive she would know exactly what to say. "Don't you have a meeting to go to?" Elijah said sarcastically. 

Elijah looked at his son who was too opinionated in his view. He missed his wife who would better be able to deal with this situation. 

"I am here where I belong. You are more important than any old meeting," he said pulling him into a hug. "I love you, Elijah. Let's do this together," Elijah Sr. suggested.

Elijah played along for now. His father could not help him let go of this pain because nothing could replace his mother.

5 years later

"Elijah, why do you do these things?" Mr. Freeman asked disappointed. Elijah was in trouble for participating in smoking on the school's grounds with a few friends. Elijah continued to ignore his father and played with his video games.

"Are you even listening to me?" he demanded pulling out the plug. "What the hell, dad?" Elijah cried out. 'Watch your mouth," Mr. Freeman snapped growing weary of his son's behavior. After his mother's death, he seemed to spiral out of control the last few years. 

"Elijah, this is important. You can't drink, smoke, or hang out with your delinquent friends without consequences. It will not bring your mother back. She would be disappointed with your behavior," Mr. Freeman said frustrated. 

"I need you to get your act together. I am getting married next weekend. I would like a clean version of my son to attend," he beckoned unto him.

"Finally, marrying one of your bimbos who you slept with while mother was alive," Elijah laughed sending his father into a frenzy.

Elijah Sr. slapped his son angrily over the disrespect. Elijah held his stinging face not at all moved by his dad. "I have bent over backwards being here for you and you continuously spit in my face. What do I need to do to prove I love you?" he stated.

"What do you want a medal, Dad? Don't lay your guilty conscience on me. Mom was the only person here for me. You were too busy working, staying out at night, or having affairs. Don't try to act as father of the year now when the damage was already done," Elijah said returning back to his video game.

"I am sorry I failed you. I am not perfect and made mistakes. But I loved your mother despite everything. I am marrying Sarah Marshall, a Christian woman who wants to be a part of your life," Mr. Freeman said trying to reason with his son.

"She could never take the place of mom," Elijah said roughly. Elijah's eyes expanded when he saw the tattoo on his son's wrist.

Elijah held up his wrist and his dad saw the numerals tattooed on him. "What is that?" Elijah Sr. practically yelled.

"The date of Mom's death. Just a reminder of the day I lost everything," Elijah announced coldly.  Mr. Freeman shook his head. "Elijah, you are too young for tattoos. I did not give you permission to do this," he said realizing he had lost control of this situation.

"My body, not yours," Elijah explained. "I have tried. You are going to boarding school. My patience has reached its breaking point," Mr. Freeman said angrily.

Elijah wanted to get far away from his father. He was not prepared to play house with his Dad and his new wife. 

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