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After they got down from the roof Vanitas quickly went to the kitchen of the hotel as he decided to prepare something

" Vanitas what are you making" Noé asked with curiosity in his eyes

"Is it food?or sweets?" He asked

"QUIT IT" shouted Vanitas

Noé and Amelia waited looking at what Vanitas was making as Noé finally realised that it was

"!!?? Va--I-It's--Ta-" Noé struggling to speak

" Speak Actual French" said Vanitas

He continued " Dominique and Jeanne are still talking in the dining room, remember? don't be loud "

"IS IT TARTE TATIN" Noé tried to be quiet but it was a little bit loud

"You're even noisy when you're quiet." Said Vanitas

"but why?" Noé asked as he was curious why Vanitas made him the tarte tatin

Amelia whispered in Noé's ear " I think it's monsieur Vanitas's way of making up with you"

He was standing there thinking for a second and then beemed with happiness

"Quit being loud in mime" Vanitas said as he thought "don't turn into Roland"

Then they had a mysterious voice say
"whoa how long's it been since you made sweets"

They all turned around and saw it was dante

"Dante did you forget something" ask Noé

"Quick fella,c'mera a sec,there's someone who wants to see you two" said dante

They went outside and saw



This is based on the Manga after the ending of the Anime this all goes on I won't be writing exactly what goes on in the Manga after finishing the Manga I would write my own story anyways hope you enjoyed this part 🥰

vanitas x noè love storyWhere stories live. Discover now