Carran's manor sits atop a small hill. Part of me thinks it's purposeful so he can look out over his subordinates.

I pull up to the gate, winding the window down.

A guard strolls up to my window, stooping down to look at me.

"He will want to see me," I tell him flatly. I'm not going to waste time. I need to get in there as soon as possible, I just hope this guard is going to believe me.

He raises a sceptical brow. "I'm sure he will."

"Ask him, right now," I say, gesturing up past the gate, up the smooth ivory driveway and to the manor itself. "Tell him Meara is here to ask him something. Something very important."

He could just turn me away, assuming I'm just another girl falling at the Alpha's feet, wanting a chance with him.

Carran may be vaguely handsome, but I can't imagine why anyone would want to be with him.

I suppose that's foolish of me to say, because here I am...

"Fine. Wait here," he mutters.

I watch as he approaches the other guard. They talk briefly, before one of them presses the intercom next to them and speaks into it.

My fingers tap impatiently against the steering wheel. After the stunt Carran pulled the other night, he will definitely want to speak to me.

The gates suddenly grind open, the guard motioning up the driveway. "Alright. Go ahead."

I drive up, unimpressed with the extensive gardens and neatly trimmed formal lawn. This is all for show, to hide the poisonous person that resides within.

The front doors open for me the moment I step out. I walk in with my shoulders squared back, trying to calm my erratic breathing. I need this to go well.

Carran sweeps into the foyer, followed closely behind by a tall man and a stout little maid. He waves them off as he approaches me, that familiar smirk pressing against his lips.

"Well, isn't this a surprise." He clasps his hands, rubbing them together.

I swallow uncomfortably, looking at the guards that opened the door for me. "Can we talk in private?"

"Certainly." He nods at me to follow him. "Can I ask what this is about?"

"The curse," I murmur, following him through the house. With each step, I can't help but wonder if Sire will take over this, when he finally gets his revenge. This place has always housed Alpha's, although I doubt my mate will want to continue that practice.

"Oh, so I'm not going to be asked on a date, then?" he asks, grinning at me.

I rub the back of my neck. "No, but it's not so dissimilar."

He opens the door to a private sitting. I step inside, shuddering out how intimate this feels.

"I'm officially intrigued," he murmurs, pressing the door closed, bathing in silence.

"I know of a witch who was connected to those who first put Sire underground. She told me how to end the curse," I explain, choosing my words carefully. The last thing I want to do is implicate Sire.

Carran falls into a plush red chair, crossing his legs at his ankles. "Go on."

I don't sit. It feels too much like I plan on staying here, which is the worst idea. I'm going to say what needs to be said, gauge his reaction, then go away for a bit to finally decide on my final plan.

"I need to undergo a ceremony called alignment, which is a-"

He waves his hand dismissively. "I know about witches and their strange practices."

The Curse Of The AlphaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora