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Luka wakes up to the noise of a door shutting, he checks the time and at 5:24am he closes his eyes thinking its the wind until he hears speaking. He jumps out of his bed and nearly trips over a shirt laying on the ground. He turns on his light and walks out to his dorm room's living room area, he doesn't see anyone. He turns around at the noise of something dropping, it's coming from the room no one lives in because no other boys lately have enrolled at the boarding school or wanted to stay at a room. At this point he is scared to even look because who knows what's even in there. But he opens the door slowly anyway. The light is turned on and there is a boy sitting on the bed with head in his hands looking frustrated.

Luka didn't notice but he let go of the door and hit the wall. The boy looks up at Luka and gives him a strange look before looking down at his phone typing aggressively.

"Oh, I didn't know anyone was moving into this room today." Luka says nervous talking to this random boy sitting on the bed.

"Well I didn't even want to be in this room, I didn't even want to go to this school" the boy nearly shouts while chucking his phone across the room says an angry tone in his voice.

"Oh, well you woke me up by slamming one of the doors and it scared me because I didn't know i would be sharing the dorm with anyone." Luka says embarrassed that he said he is scare

"Okay well can you just leave me alone because I've had a hard day." the boy says, sounding even angrier.

"Okay bye, ill talk to you in the morning." Luka says walking out of the room and closing the door.

Luka heads back to bed and tries to fall back asleep but he keeps tossing and turning, and then the dorm mate starts playing rock music which keeps poor Luka up for the rest of the night.

When his alarm starts ringing he jumps out of his bed and walks out of his room. He walks towards the small kitchen his dorm was given and his room mate is starting by the stove making himself eggs, sausages and toast.

"Hey" Luka says to his dorm mate while he sits down at the tiny table.

"Hi" the dorm mate mumbled while he grabbed his toast that nearly flung out of the toaster.

"I'm Luka by the way" he says but the dorm mate didn't answer for over 10 second which made it awkward.

"I'm Hudson" he replies back while moving his dark brown hair out of his face.

"Do you need help going around the school?" Luka says smiling at him.

"Can you just leave me alone? I've only know you for not even a day and you wont stop talking to me." Hudson replies back that leaves Luka in shock.

"oh okay." Luka says mad that his dorm mate would even treat him like this.

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