Chapter 1

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    It was a rainy day in Mr plant's void and all Mr Plant wanted to do was sleep, but something was stopping him. Mr Plant couldn't stop thinking about Argos, he didn't know why but it made him quite curious.

  After a while of not being able to sleep Mr. Plant heard a knock at his door. Mr Plant got up and went to answer quite annoyed that someone would disturb him on a rainy day

  Mr Plant opened the door to see argos in a sweater standing at his door with a flower. "Hi Mr plant,I saw this flower in void 204 and thought you might like it"

  The flower was a small sleeping flower and it looked pretty. Mr Plant was indeed happy, but not about the  flower,but instead having argos there.

  Mr Plant gestured argos to come in, and argos did so. Mr Plant was glad to have argos with him, Mr Plant felt a little lonley sometimes so it was great to have argos as a friend.

   Mr Plant loved his alone time but he also loved having argos around. Argos gently put the flower on the coffee table in his living room and sat down on the couch. Mr Plant sat down next to argos.

  Mr Plant stared at the flower until argos spoke up "isn't today beautiful, with the rain and the small thunder" Mr Plant nodded and looked outside through his window.

   Mr Plant softly smiled but started to fidget with his hands "what's wrong?" Argos spoke sounding pretty worried.

   Mr Plant stopped fidgeting with his hands and smiled acting like everything was okay. Mr Plant wanted to tell argos something but couldn't, Mr Plant was really nervous and quite person.

   Mr Plant stayed quite and looked at the flower, the flower yawned and woke up. The flower looked scared of Mr Plant and screamed. Mr Plant got annoyed quickly.

  Argos looked at Mr Plant and Mr Plant gestured argos to look away. Argos looked away from Mr Plant and the flower. Mr Plant didn't want to kill the flower so instead he grabbed his needle and string and had shut the flowers mouth and eyes.

  Mr Plant tapped argos shoulder letting him know it was okay to look. Argos looked at the flower and smiled. "Sorry about the flower, I didn't know it would do that".

  Mr Plant looked at argos and gestured that it was okay and that he didn't know that either. Argos smiled even more and hugged Mr Plant. Mr Plant felt uncomfortable but safe. Mr Plant gently pushed argos off. "Sorry" argos spoke.

  Mr Plant shrugged and looked at the flower. Mr Plant smiled and looked back at argos. Mr Plant couldn't help but feel safe when argos was around it helped that argos wasn't mean or dangerous like some of the other people in the voids but instead argos was sweet and loving.

Mr Plant gently touched argos hand and argos softly smiled. Argos couldn't help but love touch. Mr plant was diffrent but he liked when argos touched his hand or something his face but Mr Plant hated when anyone but argos did so, if something or someone touched Mr Plant or hurt argos, you bet they would be six feet under.

(End of chapter[557 words used] next chapter soon)

A unspoken love(Mr Plant × Argos)Where stories live. Discover now