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(LISTEN TO LET YOU GO BY CLARA LE SAN WHILE READING  THIS CHAPTER FOR A BETTER EXPERIENCE!!!!! it'll really get ur emotions in tune with what's going on)

we went everywhere.

we went to her apartment building and circled the block the trap had been on 10 times

still no sign of my baby.

i tried calling ddot to see if maybe Lisa knew something i tried but never got a call back

i felt helpless.
i couldn't eat .

I slowly raised my head as the car came to a stop
I gathered all my strength and opened the passenger door. my feet felt heavy as I walked up the steps twisting open the now replaced door.

I kept my eyes glued to the floor as conversation grew quite

I opened the door to my empty bedroom.

I slowly walked over to Chanel's shirt that she'd changed out of the night before. picking it up I put it over my face taking in a big breath before crying

I held my stomach as my cries got louder and I laid in my bed.

-lo siento mijo- my mother whispered as I felt a dip into my bed 
I dove my head into her lap crying harder then before covering my face with the last thing I had of my baby

I entered the Reyes house but instead of being met with handshakes I was greeted with an eerie silence and the only thing filling the house was cries. dd

the guilt ran through my vains


-WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO- I yelled pushing Lisa away from me

-DARRIAN PLEASE IT WAS fuck i wasn't thinking- she cried sitting on the edge of the bed holding her head in her hands

I leaned down ripping her hands from her face
-you understand what u did right? . YOU SET HER UP- I shouted as she quickly shook her head

-I didn't think they'd actually go over there I was drunk and didn't know what i was saying- she cried trying to get out of my grip

-where is she. i know you know- i whispered looking into her eyes

i snapped outta my thought when I realized the cries had stopped

I made my way upstairs and crept my way into his room seeing his mom not rubbing his back and his eyes closed

I started to think to myself . what if the roles was reversed . what if it was Lisa in this position n me lookin for her all day n all night

I cleared my throat saying hi to ms reyes then shaking dd up.

-where u been muddy- he said lowley
i felt tears burn at the brim a my eyes

-Lisa fucked up. she. - i chocked
he slowly stood to his feet like his gut had already knew what was coming next

-where's my lady Darrian.-

-she won't fuckin tell me bro. She said she don't want them coming after her next-

i felt my emotion slowly turn to anger
it was like his rage had filled the room

-she's in the car.- i said speaking clearly now
Dd walked over to his dresser shoving a piece in the waist band of this pants when his mom quickly stood

-Por favor, hijo mío, hay una mejor manera, por favor David, no.- she screamed as he pushed past her racing down the stairs catching evb attention in the house

(translation: Please, my son, there is a better way, please David, no)

he swung the front door open making his way outside. i walked back into his room sitting on his bed wrapping my hands around my ears not wantin too hear what might come next
there was none I could do

i swung open the passenger seat grabbing Lisa by her hair and slamming her against the concrete

she started to scream she when froze feeling the cold barrel against the side of her head .

-either you can tell me where chanel is. or you can die while I try. and shordy belive me when I say this. sb gon die by my gun tonight n you ain't nun but another charge. Start talking for I give u some to think about.-

-please dd. they finna kill me- she cried
-you gon die tonight either way. might as well die doin some right bitch.- i said putting some more pressure on the pipe as everyone that was once in my living room was now watching from the steps

-they have this big homie. He go by- i cut her off with a hit to the face with my clip . i heard my mom let out a cry but at the time my anger drowned the noise out completely

-i need an address.-

shit ab to get real yawll😗.
Hmm whoo should I killllll😊

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