Forest, 'Techniques', and Preliminaries

Start from the beginning

A few genins got caught cheating which resulted in them being thrown out of the room. They were thrown out because they had been denying that they were cheating in the exams. If one's teammate got caught it meant it was all over for the whole team. Something like this could make and break a team. The others could blame the one who got caught for their failure. Which would've been true, had he not been caught they would never had failed the exam. But some would help each other seeing that their teammates lack in information gathering skills.

The 45 minutes were over and Ibiki stopped them from answering any more questions.

"Pencils down!" Ibiki called out. Everyone put their pencils down, the door slid open and in came Kankuro, who had to use the restroom earlier, "Welcome back, I hope your little trip" He eyed the boy with a smirk.

Kankuro panicked a little but took his seat, 'Damn! He knows!'

"Now then, time for the final question." Ibiki announced, "The last question is whether you decide to answer it or not. Should you choose not to your score will be an automatic 0, meaning you and your team have failed."

This shocked the Genin present except for Naruto and Gaara because there was another reason for this.

"Of course we'll answer the last question!" Kiba yelled.

Ibiki chuckled darkly, "You say that now, but when i tell you the rest you'll be changing your tone. Should you decide to answer the question but fail to answer it correctly then you will be forbidden to the the Chunin Exams ever again."

"What the hell kind of rule is that?!" Kiba yelled, "There have been people who failed the exams before and came back to take them over again!" He was referring to Kabuto.

"You guys are unlucky this year," Ibiki told them uncaring, "I'm in charge of the first part of the exams    this year, so that means I make the rules. If you feel like you can't take it then leave by raising your hand."

It was quiet for a minute before a Genin raised his hand, "I-I quit....I'm sorry guys."

"You fail." The proctor said as the Genin and his team left. One by one more Genin started quitting, leaving the room.

Ibiki looked around at those who stayed , "To the ones that are in this room.....congratulations you all pass."


"WHAT?!" Screeched Sakura making everyone cover their ears.

Naruto moved getting everyone's attention, they saw him take his earplugs out of his ear and hid them into his kimono making some of the proctors snicker as well as some Genin present in the room who were trying to hold in their laughter. Even Ibiki snorted.

'This kids a damn riot.' He smirked.

Sakura made a mental note to get Naruto back for that later, "What about the tenth question?"

"There was never a tenth question to begin with," he smirked, "You could say that it was based on a your decision whether to stay or leave."

"Wait a minute!" Temari yelled, "Then what was the point for us answering all those questions then?! Was all of that pointless?!"

"No, the questions you answered served their purpose well," Ibiki told her, "The purpose of this test was to test your information gathering skills, and i think it worked out well," he eyed Naruto, "Some of you already figured it out and got it right even without getting caught. The entire purpose of this test was to make you cheat. Only you noticed that the two Chunin were hiding amongst you but I'll keep that Genins name to myself. I'll explain the purpose of the written exam, in a mission you will have to gather information to help your team succeed and complete the mission. You also need to know that getting the wrong information will cost you and your teams lives." He proved this by removing his headband.

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