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Who is that I seen a lady and her husband sitting on a cough they look so happy eating popcorn

A girl comes in sitting between them and she looks just like me they look like their having fun-

Wait-they are fading but why! Wait!


M-They are long gone...now you are mines you will do whatever I tell you but first I will erase everything you every knew

I seen...Mahito, he did this to me, he made me into this...this monster

My eyes widen and I seen that I was in a different place

I looked over and it was him...Nanami

Y-I remember! Where are they?!

I tried to get up but he stopped me

N-you arent able to leave...

Y-what do you mean?

N-what I mean is that, now that you know who you are, there is a chance Mahito will find out and will try to do it again and we can't risk that

Y-so what am I supposed to do

This can't be happening! Mahito! Was it all a lie?! Did you ever love me? Did you really want me? Why did you take me away from my family?! How could you

I get brought out of my thought when the door opens and another guy comes in

?-is this her?

N-yeah she is just waking up...Y/n this is Megami he is one of us he is a sorcerer-

Y-I know who you all are there is no need for introductions

Meg-well if you feel that way, why don't you tell us what your little boyfriend has planned

Y-im not telling you shit!

N-hey! There is no need for that...

The door opened and Gojo walked in

Gojo-hey what's up with all noise

Meg-just trying to get this little girl to talk

Y-fuck you!..I just want to go home

N-you can't....

He sighs telling everyone to leave the room and he walked over to him palming my face

N-I need you to understand...your life is in danger...you can't be out and about until we have confirmed Mahito dead...who knows what he might do and as for you getting better. We have other sorcerers who can fix you but since they are out on missions right now we just have to cover your scars and dye your hair...what color do you want?

I can't believe this is happening? But what else do I have to lose? Mahito already took my life from me...my virginity he used me and made me his toy

As Nanami was about to leave i called out to him

He grabbed a chair and sat in front of me

Y-can I talk to my...mom



I am waiting here for Y/n but she hasn't gotten back yet and I am pissed

M-where the hell is she

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