"Okay, this is my cue to leave," Jamie said, excusing herself from an awkward conversation. 

She dragged her way up the stairs to the kitchen, and when she was halfway up she heard Buck shout "We're not broken up!" after Eddie, giving her another painful reminder of why she had to get over him. 


Buck and Eddie were finally on good terms. A man had gotten a live round of a launch grenade embedded in his thigh, and they had to cooperate to get it out before they took him into the hospital so that it wouldn't explode inside. Turns out, they make a hell of a team once they set their minds to it. Just to be on the safe side, though, Jamie went with them in case they started tearing each other apart, plus, she didn't mind risking her life, it's not like she had a family that would miss her. They managed to save the guy's life without anyone exploding. 

"You're badass under pressure, brother," Eddie complimented Buck, "you too, even when hungover," he smiled at Jamie. 

"You're pretty good yourself," she complimented him back.

"Me?" Buck asked, surprised to get a compliment. 

"Hell yeah, you can have my back any day," Eddie told him.

"Yeah, or you know, you could...you could have mine."

"Well, isn't this sweet, I might just cry," Jamie said sarcastically. Eddie and Buck laughed at her. 

"Nice work, you guys. I'm glad you all made it out of there," their captain told them. 

"The guy's a professional, Cap," Buck actually complimented Eddie. "I was never really worried." As if he jinxed it, the ambulance exploded right then. 

"Maybe you should have been a tiny bit worried," Jamie teased him. 

"You guys hungry?" Eddie asked. 


Some assholes cemented their friend's head in a microwave, and now, of course, it was stuck. 

"Quick, they're in the back, we put a tube in so he could breathe, I think the cement smushed it," one of the guys informed them when they arrived. 

"What's his name?" Bobby asked when they got there, the other friend was holding him up. 


"Jesse, this is Captain Nash, LAFD, can you hear me?" They didn't get a response. "All right, he is totally cut off in this thing. Let's get some screwdrivers, try to get this frame off."

Jesse started to choke, which caused him to start panicking. He stood up and tried to walk away, and they all tried to hold him back. They failed, and he fell in the pool. Jamie was quick to jump in, followed by Buck. Together they managed to pull him out of the water, and once they got him up on dry land again, they checked his pulse again. It was weak. 

"Is there a plastic bag in there, or something?" Chimney asked. 

"Yeah, we put it on his head before we poured the concrete. Please don't let him die, he's my best friend since kindergarten."

"This is how you treat your friends?" Jamie's voice was laced with venom. Buck took his hand in hers and squeezed it to try and calm her down, all it did was make her heart beat even faster. 

"We had thirty minutes to get him out of there, now we got thirty seconds," Bobby informed them. 

They got the frame off, and Buck and Bobby started hammering and chiseling the cement block. It cracked and they were quick to remove the plastic bag from his head and do compressions. Soon enough, he started coughing and sat up. 

His friends, however, quickly pulled out their phones and started filming again. "Shay Reed here, fans, and today's Shay-naningans are maybe the most intense yet!" One of them said into the camera. 

"Are you filming this?" Bobby asked, clearly angry. 

"Yeah, bro, if we didn't film it, it didn't happen." 

"You were just crying like, two minutes ago," Buck said. 

"Yeah, two minutes ago, he was gonna die. Now he's gonna live and be a legend. Say hello Shay's Army!"

"Hello, Shay's Army." Bobby grabbed the phone and kicked it into the pool. "Goodbye, Shay's Army." 

"Word of advice," Jamie said to Jesse, "get some better friends."


"Okay, what about G.I?" Bucka asked Eddie. He was trying to come up with a nickname for him. "Like G.I Joe, 'Hey, G.I!', you know, that's a great nickname." 

"Sounds like gastrointestinal," Hen commented.

"Yeah, I don't think so," Eddie chuckled.

"All right, everybody! Listen up, I've got an announcement to make," Bobby announced. "I just got off the phone with the people from the calendar, and they have made their choice." 

"Well, no hard feelings, no matter who won," Buck said, fist-bumping Eddie. 

"That's good, Buck, 'cause they didn't pick you," their captain told him. 

"Well, it's obviously a fix. Nah, congratulations anyway, G.I!" He clapped loudly. 

"They didn't pick him either." 

"No? You?" 


They looked to Chimney, who was crunching on celery and peanut butter. "No way, you've gotta be kidding me," he said surprised. 

"No. Congratulations, Chim. Or should I say, Mr. April?" 

"No way, are you serious?" They all high-fived and congratulated him. 

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything," Athena Grant said, entering the kitchen. She kissed Bobby, and everyone looked surprised, except for Hen and Jamie. 

"What are you all looking at?" Bobby asked his team. "There's no more announcements." 

"Pay up," Hen said to the boys. 

"Yeah, you owe us ten dollars each," Jamie said, extending her hands as if to take their money. The boys all groaned. 

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, you knew?" Their captain was surprised. He thought they had been hiding their relationship well. 

"Sir, first you two were happy at the same time, then you were both pissed off at the same time," Hen informed him. 

"It really wasn't hard to figure out," Jamie said. 

"And, uh, you good with this?" Athena asked her friend. 

"Girl, I'm just mad at myself for not fixing you up in the first place," Hen said. 

crash & burn - e. buckleyWhere stories live. Discover now