Swear Jar

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It came to the billionaires mind that we cursed a lot, he's not wrong. I feel like he specifically aimed it at me though. Anyways, he spent the entireeeee day trying to figure out ways to stop us from being so negative to each other and using "such foul language" according to Steve.

"I figured out a way we can solve the issue here" He tells us as he walks into the living room.

"Can it wait I'm watching Grown Ups?" "Sam get your ass in here"

"You just said a bad word" "What are you gonna do about it dip-

"Alright stop!" Steve shouts.

That's what drags Bucky and Sam away from their arguing. Bucky sat next to me whilst Sam sat on the floor opposite to Bucky.

"Real mature. Anyways as I was saying I found a way to get us all to stop cursing, me included" He sighs.

"Better be good" I mutter under my breath, not before I'm felt with a jab in the shoulder from Steve.

Tony leaves the room for a minute then retrieves back with an empty jam jar. "This is the swear jar. There's a slit at the top where you can place your money. Whoever curses has to put a buck in the pot. Whoever doesn't curse by Friday gets all the money".

Looks like I'm getting rich.


"Has anyone seen the remote control?" Sam asks.

"No sorry" I apologize as I go to the kitchen to make some food. A sand-which would be nice.

"Bucky I swear you better not be hiding it from me" Sam mutters as he walks over to Bucky.

"I'm not hiding anything Samantha"

"Hey man go fuck your self" "The remote isn't yours you little shit"
"Give me the remote now or I swear to god, c'mon man I'm missing dance moms S5 finale"
"God what are you 7"

After much arguing later the pair finally came to the realization that they needed to drop some bucks in there. They walked like zombies over to the jar and began placing the notes in.

"We wouldn't have been out if you'd had just given me the fucking remote"

"Cry about it"


Left in the competition was me, Nat, Clint, Tony, Bruce and Steve. Now getting Tony out wouldn't be hard. Literally seeing my face pisses him off. Nat and Clint wouldn't be a problem either, put them in a room together and their bound to have a fight. The only two I was concerned about were Steve and Bruce. I've never heard Steve curse before and on,y light mumbles off Bruce. This was going to be hard.

I figured I would get Nat and Clint out first. I went to the kitchen, where I knew they would be making lunch and sat down on the island.

"Hey Y/N? You ok?" Clint asks.

"Yea just a quick one. Which would be better. Be able to speak all languages or communicate with animals?" I start.



I don't think I need to tell you who said animals but it was Clint.

"Seriously Clint when are you ever gonna need to speak to animals?" "I need the dog to understand that he can't shit my tennis shoes"
"Languages are so much more helpful. You get tell a guy to get lost or fuck off in any language" Nat reasons.

After a moment of silence they finally look at each other.

"You got a dollar?"


Wednesday evening

Getting Tony out was easy. I hacked into Jarvis and got him to call Tony "Daddy" in a British accent every time he called him. You should have seen the look on his face.  Now I needed to get Bruce and Steve out. After a very long thought process I came up with a plan for Steve.

I knocked on the door two down from mine. No answer, perfect. I let myself into his room and shut the door behind me. Steve's room was always tidy, he was a minimalistic kind of guy, he probably has OCD too but whatever. I looked around for the prized possession and there she is. The shield.

I carefully picked it up in my arms and exited the room again. I went back to my own room quietly and placed the shield under my bed, out of sight if anyone walked in. I rubbed my hands together and lay down on my bed before waiting for the madness to unfold.

"Has anyone seen my shield?" Steve asks at the dinner table.

Nat cooked her famous pasta and I was currently horsing it down whilst listening to the arguments.

"Nope. You lose it?" Tony asks.

"No just asking because I definitely know where it is" Steve replies sarcastically.

"Has anyone seen my science book I can't find it anywhere?"

Did I forget to mention that I also stole Bruce's book. Hoping the two have a go off each other.

"My shield where is it?" Steve blurts out.

"I need to find my science book if someone has it it's not funny" Bruce replies annoyed.

"Don't hulk Bruce" Nat warns

"I'm not gonna hulk"

"Where's my shield. Bruce did you take it?" "Why would I take that hump of shit?"
"Don't speak about the shield like that" "Steve where's my book?"
"Bruce I haven't got the slightest clue on where your book it"
"Yes you do I know you do" "I fucking don't! I just want my shield".

I smirk, knowing I had won.

"Excuse me for a minute" I say as I get up.

I come back into the room, shield in one hand, book in the other. I place them on the kitchen counter and bring the swear jar over to the table, placing it in the middle.

"Pay up guys. I win"

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