Chapter 2: Finally There

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"I thought the girls were gonna have a separate thing for them," I say to Grant. "Turns out they weren't and asked your mom if they could go too. She must've said there were three rooms to surprise you later on." I just shrug. "You are reaching your final destination." I look at the house infront of me and see that it is massive. "She wasn't kidding when she said it was a big house." Grant nods his head, shocked at the size of the house.

We get out of our cars and head inside. We walk in and it is so cool. "Bro, this place is awesome. Let's see our rooms." Grant and go into our room and see that there's only a king size. "Looks like we're sharing beds then Juice." "Sounds good to me, daddy," I say jokingly. "I think we should see what's around the house and then get unpacked." I set my bag on our bed. "Sure. Should we see what's outside?" Grant nods and races outside. "Wait for me, bitch."

We get outside and see a small pool and a jacuzzi. Everyone finds us outside and walk around the deck. I walk by the side of the pool. "We need to go swimming in here sometime in these two weeks." Eddie walks up behind me. "How about you jump in first?" "What?" Before I can say anything else he pushes me into the pool. "You motherfucker!" I get out and walk up to him. "Fair play, but it's your turn now." Without hesitation, I push him in the pool and then everyone else follows.

I turn around to see Grant chilling on a chair with sunglasses on. I cup my hands and scoop up some water. I carefully walk up behind him and dump the the water in his faces. He jolts up and looks at me. "Oh it's on, bitch." Suddenly, he picks me up and shouts JOHN CENA as he throws me into the pool. "At least get in with us." "Ok fine." He gets in the pool and we all chill.

All of us, including the girls, take our tops off. Eddie's looking Gabby up and down as he leans on the wall. I sneak next to him. "Whatcha looking Eddie?" Gabby looks at Eddie as he turns away embarrassed. "It's fine Eddie. You are my fiancé/husband." I can't remember if they're married. She leans in and kisses him. Eddie kisses back. "I hate to interrupt, but Eddie might have a situation." He looks down to see a 'pitched tent'and quickly covers it. "Goddamit. Gaege can you fix this for me Gaege." "Team Gae forever baby. But no." We all laugh and get out of the pool.

We all head inside and dry ourselves off. I take off my shirt in the middle of the room and everyone cheers. I look and just laugh. Then I see Grant, staring at my body. Looking me up and down, biting his lip. "Grant. You good?" "Yeah, yeah. I'm perfect. Not as perfect as you though." I blush happily. "Grant has RIZZ!" Eddie shouts with his arm wrapped around Gabby's waist. "Gaege and I are gonna unpack upstairs. We'll see you guys later for the movie downstairs."

We head upstairs and get some stuff out our bags. "Gaege. What movie should we watch later? I think we should watch Don't Breathe. It's a really good horror movie." Grant just goes on and on about Don't Breathe while I just look at him. He's so handsome. It's like he was sculpted to be a Greek God. "I don't know. I'm just talking now. What do you think Juicy?" I wake up from my fever dream, "Yeah I think that's a good idea. I'm gonna head downstairs." "Ok bye Gaege."

I walk out and close the door. "I need to be more careful. I'm gonna get caught. Suddenly, I hear moaning and panting from one of the rooms. Fuckin' Eddie and Gabby, I think to myself. I walk into the room and to my surprise it's not Eddie and Gabby. It's Kristie and Liv. "Oh shit, sorry. I thought you were Eddie and Gabby." They breathing is heavier than a marathon runners. "It's ok Gaege. We kinda forgot everyone was here. See you downstairs, yeah?" "Yeah see you." I open eyes shocked and traumatized.

"Hey guys," I say, still shocked. "What's wrong with you pendejo? You look like you just caught someone fucking," Eddie says. "I did." "Oh shit, really? Who was it?" "Kristie and Liv. I thought it was you guys." Gabby and Eddie look each other and laugh. "What's so funny?" "Your lucky you came down now instead of before," Gabby tells me. "Oh come on guys. Have some decency for the rest of us. I'm gonna get our movie sorted out."

I jump on the couch and sink into it. "What we watching, Juicy?" "Don't Breathe. Grant recommended it to me. It's a horror movie that he loves. He just goes on and on about it and it's kinda cute." Eddie smiles, knowing I have a crush on him. "Guys get down here, movies starting! And bring blankets!" They all run down with blankets and Mully trips over and falls over. We all laugh at him before he got up. "Fuck you Grant." "What did I do?" "You told me to take the blankets down, so this is your fault." "That's only time we'll ever see you run you big fat fucking retard." We all laugh our heads off at the comeback.

"HEY BOYS! JUICYS MUM WAS RIGHT! THERE ARE DRINKS." Josh walks over with beers, vodka and shit bottles. "Shall we?" Mully asks. "We shall... except Grant." "Wait, there's something for Grant too. Gummies?!" I look at the gummies shocked. "Bro, your mom is cool as shit!" Grant shouts to the sky. I guess she is. "Let's get fucked up, bitches!!!!"

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