•|Shares in His company

Start from the beginning

He was not sounding sorry at all, infact... It was all planned, he wanted to humiliate Aizah Oberoi. That was crystal clear to everyone and to her. Only I was completely oblivious as to why he would do that.

"Zaan~" I whispered but he squeezed my hand below the desk. A silent warning.

I got queit.

Aizah was fumming with anger, "You'll pay for this humiliation you bought upon me Zaan Rehmani. And it will be a hard time for you, one you'll remember," She gritted those words out. Her own bodyguard behind her rolled his eyes at her dramatic words.

Zaan indicated towards the exit, "Find your way out Miss Oberoi, or my guards will have to throw you out for the way you just talked to me~not talked but threatened me openly."

Aizah stormed her feet twice before she walked out of the meeting room, her guards following her on toes.

After she was lost from our sights, every employee looked at Zaan, waiting.

Zaan cleared his throat, "We can finish this meeting later if there isn't any urgent matter at hands, and I would like to talk to my fiance here in private." He told them, which sounded alot bad because, meeting room, fiance and alone, words were having completely other meaning used in same sentence.

He could have added something like " We have to discuss the shares and work load." Etc etc but no.

Silently, everyone left the room, the last one closed the door after him.

Finally, I turned to face Zaan, he looked at me with a smile.

"What was that? Care to explain me!" I asked him.

He shake his head slowly then pulled my seat closer to his making me jerk in surprise.

Then he leaned to the whisper level close and said "It's what you-my future wife and the now largest shareholder of this company-deserve and what that bitch doesn't"

Wow! The sudden change of his behaviour have me close to losing my shit completely. I mean...He have mood swings like a PMSing girl.

"Don't get too comfortable Mr. Zaan Rehmani. I am not getting married to you anytime soon," I told him meekly.

Even as I stand up to walk away hearing him laugh lightly, I felt blush creeping up my cheeks

And even I don't know what's happening....

Guess the next chapter is about whom?

Author's Here

I wrote this chapter after so many retry because after my father's death I was actually lost and couldn't form a single word of the story. But now I realised after reading so many of yours comments urging me to continue! I will try. Only need you guys support and thankyou everyone for not leaving.

Stay up-to-date on IG I'll try to post new chapter daily. ❤️❤️

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