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It's been a few days, since the incident and we have not said anything but a few Good Mornings here and there

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It's been a few days, since the incident and we have not said anything but a few Good Mornings here and there.

Today, I'm joining him in the office and nervous would be an understatement. We've also agreed that no one will know we're soon to get married. We want the least amount of people to know about this marriage.

I'm dressed in a black bodysuit with black pants and a black blazer.

"Good morning." I say waking into the kitchen.

"Good morning, dear" Mary says placing a plate of waffles on the island.

Over the few days I've been here, Mary and I have gotten close. She's like a mother figure.

"Are you excited?" She asks washing the dishes.

I pick at my food. "If you mean nervous, then yes."

Chuckling she takes a seat next to me. "You're going to do amazing. Trust me."

"The driver is out front" Nicolas says walking into the kitchen in his usual Armani suit.

I nod, standing up. "Better get going then." I say grabbing my bag.

I wish Mary goodbye, ignoring Nicolas's presence.

The car stops a few minutes away from the office since we don't want any of the workers recognizing the car or driver.

Getting out I hurry into the office.

"You must be the new employee." The man at the front desk says, greeting me.

" Yes, Alessandra." We shake hands before he tells me what floor I work on.

I take my key card before heading into the elevator and clicking on floor twenty-three.

And if you're wondering, there are forty floors in total.

The elevator dings and I walk out, finding my desk with no trouble.

I quickly organise my stuff before logging into the office's computer.

A sticky note was left on my computer with instructions on what to do.


"Andddd done." I click submit, leaning back on my chair.

"Are you not coming?" My new friend Rachel asks.

"Coming where?" I ask turning my chair to her direction.

"Every month the boss has an annual meeting with all the staff. Which is today."

Great! That means i'll have to see Nicolas.

"We're going to be late!" I don't even have time to process what's happening before i'm being dragged into the elevator.

The room the meeting is being held at is huge. Everyone began sitting as Nicolas made his way onto stage.

I roll my eyes, sitting next to Rachel and of course, she wants to sit at the front.

"Thank you everyone for being here today." He starts and the room bursts into screams in claps.

Rachel elbows me. "Clap." I forcefully clap, already annoyed by his presence.

His speech goes on and on and I clap when he finally finishes.

"And before I forget, I'd like to welcome our brand new employee, Alessandra Romano."

I glare at him as everyone once again starts clapping.

I mean seriously, what is wrong with these people and clapping.

He smirks walking down from the stage.

"I think someone has a crush" Rachel says in a sing-song.

"What?" I say confuse, as we make our way back to our floor.

"You're so slow sometimes, you know that. I mean our boss has a crush on you. I saw the way he was looking at you and also because he has never done that."

Ignoring her, I grab something to drink from the vending machine. "You want anything?"

"Coke please." I hand her, her coke as we make our way to the lounge room.

"Hey zack." Rachel greets the man that was at the front desk earlier.

"Oh, hey Rach." Hugging Rachel turns to me.

"This is Zack, my only friend- except you." She introduces us.

"You're the new employee right?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Yup, we met this morning. Alessandra." We grab something to eat, taking a seat at the table away from everyone else.

"I know you looked familiar." Recognition flashes across his face.

"S-Sir." Zack stutters looking behind me.

I almost choke on my sandwich as I turn around spotting Nicolas in all his glory.

"Can I have a moment with you, Miss Romano." His stare his cold as he pockets his hands in his pocket.

"Sure." Why would he want to talk to me? We saw eachother this is morning.

"In private."

Rachel and Zack got the message, taking their food and moving to another table.

"I don't pay you to sit around and gossip." He says when there out of sight.

"Wha- huh? I literally finished all my work." I say confused.

"And for your information, we weren't gossiping. Also it's our lunch time, we're free to do whatever we want." I continue.

He rolls his eyes at my snarky comment." I didn't come here to fight with you."

"So, what do you want?" I'm starving and he's taking forever to get to the point.

"The wedding is tomorrow."

I swear my eyes must be out of my head. "And you're telling me this now?" I say a little to loud.

I send an apologizing look to the people around us before looking back at Nicolas.

"Maybe if you had not ignored me for a week you would have known." He bites back.

This is all happening too fast for my liking. I literally just met the guy and we're getting married tomorrow.

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