3|Fine, i'll fucking marry you!

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I walk as fast I can, trying to keep up with the stranger's fast strides

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I walk as fast I can, trying to keep up with the stranger's fast strides. "Would you mind slowing down?" I ask out of breath, stopping at the top of the stairs.

He looks at me from the corner of his eyes before walking into a room.

I quickly jog to catch up, following him into an office. A large oak table sat in front of a massive window, book shelves taking up most of the walls.

He gestures for me to take a seat on one of the chairs infront of his desk as he leans on the table.

He lights a cigar, brining it up to his perfectly round lips.

I cringe.

I take seat, waiting for him to start.

"Do you know why you're here?" He asks after a moment of silence, letting out a puff of smoke.

I shake my head no, trying hard not to gag at the smell of the smoke.

I hate smoking. Like detest it. It's unhealthy and also because my father smoked all the time and because of that, I developed serious asthma.

"You're here because you're father couldn't pay out a dept he owed me. So instead, he gave me you." He takes a seat behind the desk.

"And also because I need a wife." He takes out a file from one of his draws, throwing it at me.

I look at him in shock, choking on my spit. "Did you say wife?" Maybe I heard wrong.

He nods. "It's fake of course. Only for a year. After that you can leave, do whatever you want. I'll pay for it."

"I kindly decline." I say, sliding the file back to him.

He raises one of his perfectly sculptured eyebrows. "You don't have a choice princess."

"It's my life so yes, I do have a choice and don't call me that." I say raising my voice.

"Fine, your right. It's you're life." He says, lifting his hands surrendering.

"Thank you-" I start.

"I guess i'll just have to kill you." He causally says.

"Wait what?!" I ask in shock.

"You can't force me to marry you, you don't own me."

"Actually princess, I do. I have the papers you're father signed if you would like."

LOVING NICOLAS |✍️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora