Chapter 8: Baby Boy

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Williow POV

When we got to the hospital gemma was pacing back and forth in the lobby waiting for jax, when she saw him she wrapped him up in her arms and she eyed me suspiciously. i don't even know why i am here jax just said 'i need you ' and i hopped on the back of his bike and now were here.

Maybe he wants to get to know me more but why wouhe bring me to a hospital where his ex wife is having his child i don't know what to think. Gemma started to lead everyone to the NICU, it's so much diffrent from the other floors. the hallways are filled with colorful animals.

As we walked down the hallway let my hand drag along the wall, i could feel garrett staring at me but i can't look at him right now " I found matches next to a bunch of wendys empty dime bags" gemma said as she scared me out of my thoughts she handed the small pack of matches to clay.

I look at jax and i see him clenching his jaw shut. " shit, it's got to be the nords dealing out the dogs again" clay said as we all round a corner i had no clue what they were talking about " darby got out of chino two weeks ago" bobby announced from behind us.

"well call that nazi prick and set a meeting" clay snapped looking at bobby. we took a few more steps and stopped in front of the nurse station a young blonde woman was being pushed somewhere it looked like she was unconscious i'm assuming that it's wendy with the way everyone started to walk that way

" what the hell happened " jax demaned harshly and anxiously spinning the rings on his fingers looking at one of the nurses " you must be the father My name is ana i'm assisting dr namid with the case" ana extented her hand for jax to shake which he did in a hurry to worried about what was happening

" when is the last time you saw her" she asked looking at jax, gemma moved closer to himo try and comt him " i don't know it's been a couple of weeks at best wendy and i don't exactly get along" jax confesed to the nurse " her hands and feet were full of track marks toxicology reports aren't back yet but most likely she overdosed on crank" Ana said moving to the nurse station reaching over the desk pulling a chart out

" what happened to the baby?" jax asked after a moment as i stood next to him our hands next to each other " Dr, Namid had to do an emergency C-section he's ten weeks premature" Ana said as she started writing in the chart. for being a nuse she wasn't foucsing on informing jax about anything and it is really pissing me the hell off

"holy shit.." jax breathed out shocked as he runs a hand threw his hair i felt his hand bump into mine and i caught my breath when i felt him slide his hand in mine it was like he was my missing puzzle piece. " do you think that could wait and finsh explaing what is hapening" i snapped at her

after i said that everyone had their eyes on me and i just stared at her keeping eye contact with her she gave me a small apologetic smile on her face " he's got a congenital heart defect and a gestroschis a tear in his abdomen the gastro and the early birth are from the drugs but the CHD is probably..." the nurse started to explaine when gemma cut her off

" the family flaw" she said touching where her scar was " yes it's genetic" the nurse said " either one would be serious but not life threating however the two of them toghther goves him a 20 percent chance and i'm afraid that's being optimistic" the nurse said and then she walked away.

i squeezed his hand and in felt him squeez it back "wendy never wanted to talk to me i had no idea things were this bad this is all my fault" Jax said looking down looking at him being sad broke my heart into piceces " what's his name " i ask him as i put my other hand on his arm

"Able his name was going to be able" jax said looking down at me i kept sstaring at him " his name is going to be able " i tell him correcting him i look away from him as the nurse Ana walked back to us " Dr namid wants to fix his belly first then if he stabilizes he'll go in and try to repair the heart i can take you to see him now if you'd like" she said innocently

Jax waved it off and looked away from her and walked towards the wall releasing my hand " go with the nurse mom i've got to go give a message to the prick that sold crank to a pregnat woman" jax snapped harshly and pushed off the wall and walked down the hallway.

I looked around at everyone, my eyes stopping at garrett for a minutet before i turn around and start to walk away when i felt a hand go around my wrist stopping me from moving. i look at the person to see it was garrett " i don't think that's the best idea sweetheart" he said looking at me

" don't touch me you lost that privilege when you decided to leave" i tell him and i yank my hand out of his wrist i walked away from him to try and catch up with jax when i see him about to get on his bike i see him look at me " you wanted to know what we are all about, hop on and i'll show you" jax challenged handing me his helmet

i see bobby and chibbs walk out the hospital doors walking to their bikes and start it waiting for jax to take off.

Hey guys! this chapter is a little short so i am going to be posting a few more i hape you guys like it comment what you guys think i should do to improve the book i would love to here some of your guys ideas.

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