To My Dear Imperfect Side

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To my dear imperfect side,

I've always hated you...
I've always blamed you...
I've always wanted to get rid of you...

I didn't like the fact that,
—You are part of me...
I didn't like the fact that,
—You are the reason I am not still perfect...
I didn't like the fact that,
—You're not leaving me alone...

I wanted to fit into society...
I wanted to be seen by others...
I wanted to be praised for my talents...


Society has always rejected me...
Society has always ignored me...
Society has always criticised me for my imperfections...

I was devastated,
—Because of the cruel side of the world.
I was depressed,
—Because of who I truly am.
I was exhausted...
—Because of the harsh comments that I got.

As I grew up more,

—I realized that is what we are...
—I realized that everyone has their own imperfect side...
—I realized that there is no one who is completely perfect...
—I realized that only fools would make fun of others for what they don't have...

The more time passes, the more you know,

—How precious is that you're different from others...
—How precious is that you don't limit yourself by society's standards...
—How precious is that you let yourself shine without worrying about being judged...

My dear imperfect side,

—You've been created to challenge my abilities...
—You've been created to give me the space to grow...
—You've been created to teach me that I should love myself no matter what...
—You've been created to show me who truly loves me despite my imperfections...

Now I know I should love all parts of myself...

Because at the end of the day,
I only have myself...

I will dedicate this poem to enyaclancy
Since I got inspired by her peoms!

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