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I wake up to a text from Bax, it's hard to even focus on what is says from the pounding headache I have. I normally never get hungover, maybe I was dehydrated from surfing yesterday afternoon but who knows.

I head into the kitchen with my bright red water bottle and fill it up with ice cubes and water. I head back into my room, sweeping my feet along the hardwood floors as I do so. I lay back down and check my phone "good :) let me teach you that 360 sometime" i'm finally able to make out the words. God he's so sweet.

Bax is cocky and Bax is somewhat a dick but I think he has some reasoning behind it, I can tell he's exhausted from the act he keeps up all the time and sure it's an irritating facade but it's a bit less irritating because it comes from him. I don't know what it is about Bax, it's the way he looks at me, the way he carries himself. It makes me feel something i've never felt before.

I leave my room, the headache has subsided and I wanna talk to Jonas. I check his room quick and he's not there, I then check the rest of the house and realize the van isn't even here. I shoot him a quick text before putting on a bathing suit and putting my hair in a tight braid. I glance down at my phone. Maybe I should text Bax to come out with me. I sit down at the bar stools and open Bax and I's chat, I stare at the keyboard not sure what I should even say. I finally come up with a text saying "you ready to teach me that 360?" I send my location with the text and I flip my phone upside down. I grab an apple from the fruit bowl that sits in the centre of the counter top. I hear my phone vibrate, I give it a few seconds before gaining the courage to check the text "I can be there in 10 ;)" Bax replies. I can feel myself calm down with that response.

I walk outside when I hear his car pull in the driveway. He drives an old red bronco with a roof rack for boards, I like it... a lot. Bax gets out of the car "this is a nice secluded spot" Bax says while unstrapping his board "yeah it's basically our own beach, no one can get here unless they pass through our property or swim' I reply while watching him.

"Good?" I ask once he finally has the surfboard in his hands "yes ma'am" he smiles. I take Bax through the house and out the sliding patio door. The house is placed on the top of a hill, there's a few stairs to get down to the beach and on either side of the 'U' shaped beach are rocks so no one has access to the water besides us. I can see Bax scanning the area "would you mind if I came here once in a while?" Bax says as we start walking down the wooden steps "I mean yeah of course, i'm the only one who surfs down here, waves just aren't as big here" I look behind me to see Bax still looking around with an amazed look covering his face "but it's still perfect. No one around just you, your board and the ocean" he chuckles from behind me.

Finally my feet hit the sand. I strap my leash to my ankle and Bax does the same. The two of us head into the water, paddling away from shore. He looks so proud and confident when he's in the water, it's amazing to me. I'm always insecure i'll fall off my board in front of people, including my friends.

Bax and I float for a moment, he looks around first then looks to me "alright, less weight on the tail and use your arms to swing yourself at first, eventually you'll get used to just using your hips down" he nods his head towards me "you were really paying attention to me surf huh?" I tease "just go" Bax shakes his head along with bringing his tongue to his teeth.

I wait for a decently sized wave and reassurance from Bax before paddling towards shore, I pull myself up on my board and slowly build momentum. Once I see the peak of the wave I bring my foot to the nose of my board and spin into a 180 and let the wave carry my board to make it a 360. I carve through the wave and look to Bax with a smile. I then dive off my board in accomplishment.

I quickly paddle back towards Bax "quite an improvement" the boy smirks "definitely" I push my wet hair back taking heavy breaths. Before I can say anything else, Bax is paddling. I watch in admiration as he stands up and absolutely rocks the wave.

The Aggro-Surviving SummerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя