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Last night was a fuckin mess. Jonas and I fought over my passion for surfing deteriorating, it's not my fault, it's really just not fun anymore, it's like a chore. Ever since Summer left for New York I feel like we've all grown distant because of stress. Everyone is so focussed on Nationals and making a career out of surfing. I love surfing, I love the ocean and that'll never change but I just don't know if I want this to be my life anymore, I see the way it changes people like Jonas, feeling like you're not good enough because you have one bad heat and it ruins your chances of getting sponsors and making surfing a career.
I understand Jonas' point of view too, i'll never make it a career if I don't try. At least try. That's what he kept saying last night, he told me he knew I could do it if I really wanted it.

I brush my hair and teeth quickly before putting on a bathing suit and heading into the kitchen. I see Jonas with his hands on the counter top and his head down, once he realizes i'm in the kitchen he looks up and puts the most fake smile on his face, it almost makes me feel guilty. "Mornin kiddo" he says "let's go for a surf Jon, get the passion flowing again?" I give my older brother a half smile. I watch as his fake smile turns into a real one, I can see his eyes filling with hope.

I head out to the van, strapping our boards to the roof, I then make my way to the clothesline where the two of us hang our wetsuits and I throw both of them in the trunk. I walk back up the creaky steps and into the house. Jonas has already made the two of us breakfast "food is fuel" Jonas smirks as he slides a plate towards me "I knew you were going to say that" I put a hand on my forehead with a smile.

After we finish our breakfast, we go as quickly as we can to the van. Jonas runs into the house quickly letting the van warm up and I scroll through my phone, I see a few texts in the groupchat that has me, Ari, Bohdi, Poppy and Marlon in it. Poppy wants us all to head over to her place for 1.

Jonas gets into the van breathing heavily "you run a marathon or what?" I roll my eyes "Manu wants me to head over to his place in a bit" he states as he puts the van into drive "Poppy wants all of us to head there for 1, do you think something happened?" I ask hoping Jonas can assure me everything's fine "all good over there, just wants a meeting with you kids" he places a hand on my shoulder. That doesn't make me feel any better.

Jonas and I pull into the parking lot to see it's almost completely empty, today will hopefully be a refreshing surf. He parks so the van is facing the water, I look out the window to see only one person surfing. A smile automatically forms on my face and I notice one forms on Jonas' face too.

I hop out of the van and open the trunk, I start putting my wetsuit on over my bathing suit, I tie my hair up too.

Jonas already has his wetsuit on and is working on getting the boards down. Jonas hands me my board with a proud look on his face "let's just have some fun" he reminds me with a reassuring smile, I nod in acknowledgment and we start walking down the path.

I strap my leash to my ankle, watching the boy from earlier shred waves "he's an aggro" Jonas scoffs "you think?" I ask "definitely" Jonas nods.

We set off into the water, paddling a good distance away from shore, a nice wave comes my way and I start to paddle. I lift myself up into a standing position and make a quick carve into the wave. I then do a 360 making me spin down the wave. I jump off my board with a scream of excitement. I resurface and look for Jonas "holy shit!" I scream "that was good Lex!" Jonas cheers "show me how it's done" I tell him "careful what you wish for" Jonas paddles away from me and catches the biggest wave this morning. Jonas effortlessly rides the wave and after only a few seconds he does the most perfect 360 i've never seen. Mine wasn't bad but it definitely wasn't perfect. I keep a good watch on how Jonas shifts his body weight and the way he switches his foot positions. Finally the boy falls back in a T position and I start to clap. Jonas paddles closer to me so I can hear him "See how I let myself gain more momentum, just be patient and bend your knees a bit more" Jonas smiles "it'll be perfect one day" I shrug "yeah you're right, it will".

Jonas and I float for a minute before paddling back out and while we wait, we both watch the boy in the distance, he looks over to the both of us to make sure we're watching. He lands a nice wave and shreds it, he then does a 360 that looks even better than Jonas'. I smile but it's quickly wiped away when I realize Jonas staring at me with an annoyed expression "aggro" he says before paddling away. I watch for the boy to resurface, he wraps a leg on each end of his board and smiles, I can see how beautiful his smile is from even this far. I push the thoughts out of my head and paddle towards Jonas.

After a few more waves, Jonas and I head back to shore. I unzip the top of my wetsuit allowing myself to feel the sun beam on my body. Jonas grabs my board "I'll pack up, just go talk to em" Jonas pushes my shoulder lightly.

I walk over to the boy who's now making his way out of the water, he looks over to me with a smile "hey" I choke out "what's up?" He asks "you're really good" I say with shock, I then put my hand over my mouth in realization that was so stupid to say. He can't help but chuckle at my stupidity "I can help ya with that 360 if you want" he smirks "it wasn't that bad" I joke "not that bad" the boy raises his eyebrows and looks down at my chest with a smile, I cross my arms trying to hide my chest "what's your name anyway? I've never seen you around here" I ask "Baxter Radic, well Bax" he holds his hand out "Lexi Emery" I put my hand in his and shake it "nice to meet you" he says with his perfect smile. I'm jealous just looking at him, he's so gorgeous. There isn't really another word that can capture what I'm trying to say about him. I hear honking and look back at the parking lot "that's my brother waiting on me, I'll see ya around Bax" my hand gently brushing his arm as I walk off.

I sit in the van with a smile "never thought an aggro could have pink hair" Jonas rolls his eyes "his name is Bax" I tell him "that's a douchey name" Jonas raises his eyebrows "yeah I think he's a douche from what i've gathered" a really cute douche.

Jonas and I head over to Manu's place, when we pull up, both of the siblings are already outside. Poppy runs to me with a smile brewing on her face. She wraps her arms around me "missed you too" I giggle "is everything okay?" I ask once she lets go "yeah everything is fine, Manu just wanted to pep talk everyone" Poppy hugs me again "jeez Pops what's up cmon" I ask the girl a bit more seriously this time "I just miss you, that's all it is" I believe her "let's have a sleepover tonight then okay?" I watch the girls eyes light up.

One by one Ari, Bohdi and Marlon show up. We hang around the workout area until Manu finally comes out of the patio door "alright everyone so, we're gunna need to step it up in our training, I don't know if i'll end up being the coach this year so Jonas is going to practice with us so we can cover more ground." Manu looks to all of us but I can't keep my eyes off of Jonas, he's said so many times he'll never coach again, he will only ever surf with me. Jonas was the best surfer in all of Shorehaven and probably most of Australia, he got so embarrassed at finals after falling off his board that he never surfed again.

Manu starts to take everyone to the water but I stick back with Jonas "stop looking at me like that" Jonas finally says something "Jon you said-" I can't help but choke on my words "I know what I said, you kids need me and I wanna see all of you succeed and so i'm helping Manu coach" Jonas wraps one arm around my shoulder "thank you so much Jonas" I wrap my arms around my older brother.

We all head to the beach and without any hesitation, we're put in the water. I surf alongside Poppy for my first wave, she jumps off her board and onto mine mid wave. I catch her gracefully with the two of us unable to hold our laughter in. I can see from shore Jonas is smiling too.

I still can't believe he's here, i've been trying for years to get him to coach with Manu, they're best friends too so it makes it even better for Jonas to have a good time. Jonas has never been to any of my comps and he's never seen me train, nothing like that. I go surfing with him when shit gets rough between us but other than that, he just supports me from hearing about how good I did.

Somewhat short chapter, if anyone has any ideas on things I should add then I'll check it out!

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