"Affirmative. Everything's clear there."

Lindsey knocked and when the door opened they were met with Chimney. "I think someone already did." They heard him say. Letting them into his apartment, he started to explain everything. The weird phone call with Maddie, 9-1-1 not answering, both Maddie and Josh's phones going to voicemail. "That's weird because Josh was the one that sent us here." Lindsey told Chim.

Athena called the Captain to let her know what was going on. Chimney, who was on the phone with Buck, looked over to Lindsey. "Is there anything you can do? You have FBI connections." The brunette sighed, "Look, I agree that there is some weird stuff going on but it may not even be that serious."

Athena walked over to them, "Captain needs to make some calls. As evidence goes, an "I love you" is less than convincing."

"But they sent you down to my apartment for an assault with a deadly onion. That feels more convincing."

Athena sighed, "Well, she's gonna talk to Operations, see if they can get eyes in the building. See if anything's wrong."

"No, no, no. We can't just send in SWAT. If there is someone inside the call center doing something, they'll know we're onto them."

"I'm with Buck on this one. If something's going on and we send in people, it could only make things worse." Lindsey agreed, looking over at Athena.

"Let's go for a drive."

The drive to the call center was silent. "You're quiet. Should I be worried?" Athena asked Chimney. "No, I mean, I'm still freaked out but least now I got some partners in this."

"We are not partners. You're here so we can keep an eye on you. Make sure you don't do anything foolish." Athena said and then a jeep sped past them. A jeep Lindsey knew all too well. "Like that."

"Is that who I think it is?" Athena asks as she pulled the car over. "Yep, I got this one." Lindsey laughed as she got out of the car.

"Okay, now don't be mad." Buck said as he watched Lindsey approach his window. "What was your plan? Walk in there and save the day? If something is really going on then you could have ended up getting yourself killed!" Lindsey stated as she placed her hands on her hips.

Buck sighed and with a shake of his head he said, "I know, I know."

"You made a promise to me Buck. A promise that i'm not going to lose you. You know, you're not supposed to break a promise." She continued to say. "I'm not gonna break my promise. I'm sorry for being reckless." He muttered.

"Good! Now let's go." She pulled open his door and he just stared at her. "We don't have all day Buck." Her boyfriend sighed as he got out of his car and walked over to the cruiser.

"Hey Buck." Chimney said as Buck sat next to him. "Hey Chim."

Athena turned to look at the men, "You two tell anyone else what's happening at the call center?" Both of them shook their heads, "Good, because we are running out of room in here."

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