The Day I Joined The Play

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W-What! Alright! I won't beat around the bush anymore. Princess Serena Cycil Ashton will you spend you're forever with me? I-I--will-   Why I can't say, yes to his proposal?  I wanted to move forward and leave my past, so why I can't agree to his proposal? Is it because I still love him. Umm____ princess so is it a Yes? Before I utter a word my head was dizzy____ Princess! Are you alright? Yeah, I'm___ As soon as Serena closed her eyes, Isaiah carry Serena but was surrounded by a group of assassins. As soon as they caught a glimpse of their target, they started to attack Isaiah........ Isaiah put me aside.... As they were fighting, I started to regain conscious...  I-Isaiah..... Prince Isaiah turn his back for a second and someone stab him with a dagger. I started to panick_______ until they hit me with a bat, which made me unconscious.....They carried me and put me in a carriage...... Meanwhile, prince Isaiah regain his conscious..... Ugh__ It hurts, I must bring princess___ Huh! Where is princess? Ugh! I must find her and inform this to the emperor. Princess, don't worry I will find you. 

Ugh___ my head hurts

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Ugh___ my head hurts... Ouch! Huh? Where am I ? Wait, Where is Prince Isaiah? Why am I in a carriage? Then, I understood what situation I am in! Oh, I have been kidnaped. Wow, I literally knew this will eventually happen. 

I bet this must be someone in the royal family's doing

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I bet this must be someone in the royal family's doing. I just hope this won't reach his ears___? Wait? Why am I thinking about him? I shouldn't as I will accept Prince Isaiah's proposal. Even though, our marriage will proceed after this_____ I hope it won't affect the others. Oh! The carriage stopped moving. Well, let's see what they have stored in for me. Meanwhile at the royal palace_______ Prince Isaiah arrived at there to inform this....... Ha___Ha____ Can I see his Majesty? Prince, please wait outside. I shall inform his majesty. Alright! I hope it won't be too late to save you. Your Majesty, Prince Isaiah___ Oh, I'm sorry Your highness! I did not see your presence. It's alright. May I know who's out there? I heard a voice out there. Well, your highness____Prince Isaiah is asking permission to meet with his majesty. Let him in. I shall ask him. Prince Isaiah, you may enter. Thank you____ As soon as he enter, he saw the empress sitting beside the emperor. I greet the moon of the____ Please state what you're here for. Your highness, The princess has been kidnapped. What! My precious gem. Guards! Yes, your highness! Please make a royal decree which will state whoever finds the kidnapped princess, shall recieve a grand reward. Alright, your highness. Prince Isaiah, don't fear about my gem. Since, someone will find her. Your highness, shall I make a suggestion. Sure. Why don't we ask a search party to look for her? Well, it's worth a try. I shall take my leave, your highness. Let's see if my clever daughter survives there. I hope 'our"plan will go well. With this, I will force her to marry Prince Isaiah and make her forget about her previous fiancèe. Let's see who wins this race, my gem. The news of the kidnapped princess spread like wildfire around the empire, which led to the ears of Prince Zein. After hearing this Prince Zein was shocked but at the same time he knew who plotted this scheme. Then, he saw Prince Isaiah walking fast towards the entrance____ which made him wonder if he should find her. Meanwhile, Prince Isaiah was very worried about Serena. He felt guilt in his heart. While this all happened at the palace, Serena was sleeping peacefully in the carriage. Why she slept? Well, she knew this from the beginning this will happen. So, she decided to take quick nap. While she was sleeping, she heard the bandits talking about Serena marrying Prince Isaiah and the second prince, Serena brother will ascend the throne. They even tell that the emperor will pass away quickly. At that moment  Serena knew the culprit was none other than....... Ouch! Is the princess awake?

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