The Day I Met The Death Flags !

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Here we go.... Huh! Where's my so called fiancèe..... Wow! My favourite flowers... Ah! What's this smell? It smells like pastries. Growl It seems like I'm hungry I guess I should eat some. So yummy....Wait who's there? Ah who's closing my eyes? .... Zein, is that you. Wonderful Your Highness.. Pft ha...ha Why you're laughing? No... It's just what's with the formalities. You know we are engaged right, so please feel free to call me by my name Serena, Mister Fiancee... Well, there is another suprise which I've been waiting to give to you... What is it?.... Hmph... Ah I can't breathe, Let's stop. You will always be mine...... Meanwhile Serena's brain.... Huh! I'm engaged to the villain of this story. This can't be happening. Oh wait, why is he coming closer.... Huh.. Sistem failure........... we have to use our back up before we collapse. Zein, I Love you.... I love you too, baby... Serena are you alright.... Sweetheart... Miss Anna please call the healer, Serena just fainted. Right away, Your Highness. Serena please be alright.... After few minutes...  Uh... My back hurts and what's with all this noise. I feel something at my throat... Blergh... Serena are you alright... I'm fine... Serena's brain POV.. Huh! Why is the villain beside me and I'm engaged to him. This Day can't get any worse, right? Rena... Ha ... Ha ... Are you feeling well. Who's voice is this.... Wait isn't this the ML........... What he's doing here? Serena's brain.... Sistem Malfunctioning..... Rena, Are you alright..... She's fine, it's just she has nausea that's all. I'm asking my childhood friend Rena, not some prince... Well, for a fact I'm your childhood friend's fiancee . Serena's mini  character intro... This the Male Lead of this story... Elijah Stoneshire, the second son of Grand Duke Stoneshire. Elijah currently is the commander of the Royal Knights and according to the story, he knew me since we were born as both of our parents are friends...  Meanwhile, Serena's mini theater...                                                                                                                                     Zein: Serena is my fiancee, so she belongs to me and I have the rights to inform her health on behalf of her                                                                                                                                                                        ML: I Know her better than any stranger, who have only known her since 5 years old but I have known her since we were playmates.

Zein: Well, I know her well because I.. Love Her                                                                                                         ML: Well, I know her better than you eventhough we are friends, we have deeper bond.... I mean is I... Love Her not as my friend but as someone special.

Zein: Serena, you have to choose between us... Who do you love?......                                                                                 After Realization.... She snapped at them... well not how we expect.....                                   Cough... Cough Can everyone leave except you two... We have some business.                                        Well, eventhough you both know me but do you really know me well?  What do you mean by that dear?... Well, perhaps what's my current favourite food? It's pastries....... No, her favourite her  blueberry pie as it's been her favourite since childhood. Well, my current favourite food is pastries from my fiancee's neighbouring kingdom. Ok! I understand I don't know you till the fullest but we been close since little, so I'm curious how this guy here have rights over you. Well, Eli(nickname) He's my fiancee... So, don't intefere in our lives.... Guys... Stop it!  Knock Knock Come in... Your Highness.. Her Highness has called for you..... Mother?  According to the story, the main antagonist is the queen( the mother of the fl). Serena's mini character intro...                  Queen Amaranth Elizabeth Ashton, the main antagonist of this story . Why is she the main antagonist? It's because jealousy and inferiorty complex towards the Imperial Concubine.. Lady Hera De Blanc. With this, she made the princess (A.K.A me) to be under pressure and never gave her an ounce of love, but she gave different treatment towards her other children. She always made sure the princess to be the top ranker in the academy and pressured her to be great in academics, swordmanship, music and etc as she always compared her and her half-brother Prince Noah (the Imperial Concubine's child) , but with the love of  Lady Hera who became the mother of the princess behalf of the queen and always treated her and Prince Noah fairly. Huh? Why is she calling me?   What did the queen did to Serena that is making her tremble like this.....

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