VII. Do You Know My Son?

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I woke up extremely early. I knew k would be stressing about the right hairstyle or clothes and would need time if any tears arose.

It was colder so wore a long sleeve shirt with jeans and grabbed a coat before running out of the room so I didn't change my mind.

He asked me to meet him in Central Park, which I had no idea we're that was.

I had only been to New York when I was 3 and I doubted I'd remember where to go 11 years later.

A nice person on the street was going the same way with her young daughter and she let me tag along.

"Hi you wouldn't know how to get to Central Park would you? I'm meeting someone there and I'm not from here." I say to a lady standing with a child.

"Oh! I'm headed there now you can join us. I'm Lisa and this is Kate" she has a big smile on her face.

"So if you're not from here where are you from?" She asks about 3 minutes after we started walking.

"Uh Los Angeles I'm here for my birthday" I am super nervous, kidnapped is not what I want for my birthday.

We continue the conversation for a bit and make it to the park.

"Do you need help finding the person you're meeting?"

I look around, "thank you so much I really appreciate it! I see him."

I see Dylan wave and the woman named Lisa and I wave simultaneously.

"Do you know my son?" She asks.

I take a deep breath and all I can do but smile.

Action | Dylan HoffmanWhere stories live. Discover now