This chapter will be in third person (no pov) but after it will mainly be in Y/N pov or Draco's pov! Enjoy!

The Great Hall was filled with the familiar smell of delicious delicacies and sound of students laughing. One voice could be heard louder than ever. Draco Malfoy was laughing and boasting about his holidays to his faithful friends, Crabbe and Goyle, as usual.

"Potter- Potter!" he said as he sat down, "Is it true you fainted? I mean, you actually fainted?"

Draco smirked devilishly as his friend dramatically mimed fainting.

"Shove off Malfoy," Ron retorted.

Just as Draco's mouth opened to speak again, Professor Dumbledore stood up from his seat and smiled around.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," said Professor Dumbledore, "And welcome back to Hogwarts, to our many students. Now, before we begin our feast, let us start the Sorting Ceremony."

Professor McGonagall came forward and placed the Sorting Hat down on the stool. It stayed still for one moment, before it slowly opened its mouth.

"One thousand years ago this story starts
There were four sorcerers with strong and kind hearts
Bold Gryffindor from wild moor
Fair Ravenclaw from glen
Sweet Hufflepuff from valley broad
Shrewd Slytherin from fen
They had a dream to teach all that they knew
Witches and wizards came far and it grew
'Til a castle stood tall by the shores of a lake
And a thousand years later the magic remains
Old Hogwarts Sorting Hat sing me a song
Speak in my head tell me where I belong
And when things look bad and there's no where to run
Unite all the houses and we'll fight as one
Brave Godric Gryffindor favoured the strong
Those who had courage and knew right from wrong
And Rowena Ravenclaw taught only the best
So kind Helga Hufflepuff would teach all the rest
But Salazar Slytherin had is own plans
He thought the Muggle-borns didn't understand
The subtleties of magic and so he devised
The Chamber of Secrets with a monster inside
Old Hogwarts Sorting Hat sing me a song
Speak in my head tell me where I belong
And when things look bad and there's no where to run
Unite all the houses and we'll fight as one
Old Hogwarts Sorting Hat sing me a song
Speak in my head tell me where I belong
And when things look bad and there's no where to run
Unite all the houses and we'll fight as one
Unite all the houses and we'll fight as one"

The students clapped and cheered as the hat closed its mouth once again. Goyle stood up enthusiastically to give a standing ovation, but Draco pulled him back down, annoyed. The Sorting began and Draco joined his friends to cheer for the new Slytherins.

When the Sorting ended, the students began to dig into the feast. Harry was mumbling to his friends about the Dementors, whilst Draco continued to make ridiculous stories about the incident on the train, as if he had not been terrified by them as well.

As the final few bits of dessert disappeared, Dumbledore walked up to the front and smiled amiably to the students with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Before I let you all go to the comfort of your beds, that I am sure you are longing for, let us all stand to sing a song."

A couple Slytherins groaned at this, slowly getting up along with the other houses. Dumbledore began to create the lyrics with his wands above his head and everyone started to sing to their own rhythm and beat.

"Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts,
Teach us something please,
Whether we be old and bald,
Or young with scabby knees,
Our heads could do with filling-"

Draco cringed as the entire Hall vibrated with Harry's awful singing, mixed with the many other confusing rhythms. He couldn't believe that people actually enjoyed this and he began to ponder what had been put into the pumpkin juice. I hope something can put a stop to this he thought, absolutely anything.

Bang! The door of the Hall opened once more, louder than ever. Many of the students turned to see what had happened, although a few people did not hear, including Professor Dumbledore, who was nodding along to the music with his eyes closed blissfully.

The door opened wider and a girl with y/h/c walked in, her head held high and slightly out of breathe, apparently oblivious of walking in on the middle of the song. As the song finally came to an end (the Weasley twins put on their usual funeral tune), Dumbledore finally looked down and saw the girl. He looked round at McGonagall and mumbled something, before smiling pleasantly at the confused girl.

"Well, students, may I introduce you to our new student, Y/N Diggory," Dumbledore said.

Y/N looked around with an awkward smile, wishing Dumbledore hadn't introduced her like that in front of everyone. She looked around for her brother, Cedric, who was grinning and talking to some of his friends. Cedric gave her an encouraging smile and she walked up to the front to put on the Sorting Hat.

The Hall was silent for a whole minute, as the Hat was thinking about what house to sort her into. Cedric frowned: his sister was the kindest person he knew, surely it wouldn't take that long to sort her into-

"Slytherin!" the Hat announced.

Professor McGonagall pulled the Hat off Y/N's head and lead her to the third year Slytherins, a rare sympathetic smile on her lips as everyone started mumbling and staring at her. She sat there uncomfortably as Dumbledore announced some more things and finally let them go to their common rooms.

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