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About  an hour later everyone was ready out of thier ware house . They all were wearing black with hidden weapon and knives with them. Behind them stood two big black trucks . They all were standing in front of the trucks close to each other Ready to go . Suga and jin looked towards each other and nodded .

Then jin glanced at everyone else ." Guys , I and suga are gonna drive the truck and hobi and tae will be with us . " Jin said and turned towards jimin " jimin you and jungkook will follow back bye the car make sure you have extra guns in the car." Jimin and jungkook nooded sute followed a ' yes hyung '.

Jin nooded and faced everyone ." Evryone be carefull about surrounding .make sure to look for each other .and remember this is park Bogum we are fighting with . He may set traps so be careful with moves. Our main objective would be to save joonie and ourselves . So fight but make sure not to get harmed . Am I clear." Jin said and everyone said together " yes sir " and did a litle hand salute to their leader ." So let's get going ." Jin yelled and evryone started going towards their vehicles . Jin got on the driver's seat of the truck and suga on the other . Tae went with jin while hobi went with suga.jin glanced at suga and gave him a thumbs up .suga nodded and glanced at his side mirror and saw jimin 's car in the mirror he gave a thumbs up and Jimin got the clue . Jin started his truck and went off on the road followed by suga and jimin behind him.

1 hour later
They reached at the building where Bogum asked them to come . Evryone got out the cars and went ahead standing in a line side by side infront of the big and old warehouse .they saw no one" Park Bogum come out we are here . Get your things and give namjoon back ." Jin yeelled at top of his lungs roaring at end making Bogum aware of his arrival .

After a few minutes few armed guards came out of the building standing in front of jin and other there was space between them. Soon Bogum came out of the building with a gun in his hands .

" Oh seokjin you are here . Pleasure to see you ." Bogum said and smirked at jin ." But I am not stop this shit here are the keys for the truck take them and give namjoon back the deal is simple. " Bogum hummed and said ." The deal isn't that simple jin but anyways ." He singneld his guard toward seokjin . That guard came forward and took the keys from seokjin and gave them to Bogum .

" Now you got the keys now tell me where is nj ." Jin said being very serious and cold . Bogum just chuckled ." Oh seokjin , you really did what I asked honestly . You are too good but I will consider it if you all will take out your guns and throw them away . " Bogum looked at jin with a very cunning smile . They all looked at each other and then at Bogum . Jin pulled his gun out from hia back and others followed suit.

They threw thier guns away towards Bogum."now tell us where is nj ". Suga said in a very despirate manner .Bogum just chuckled and said ." You really thought that I would end it here and leave you all . ............. You are wrong sj. I will take my revenge . BOYS !." Bogum yelled the last word and the guards standing there ran off to the 6 members and more guards came out of the building .

Each of them stared fighting with the guards . Jimin and jk kicking them in gut and then punching them off to the ground . Jin , suga and hobi were breaking their bones occassionally and our tae beating the shit out of them . Jimin was fighting when he felt sting in his neck and he stilled. He lead his hand to his neck to find a little nedddle there he took out the needle he was feeling very light . And he collapsed on the ground and passed out ." Jimin hyun-" jk couldn't complete his sentence when a needle was shot in his neck and he also collapsed beside jimin on ground and soon followed tae.

Suga noticed them. " Jimin " suga yelled and went towards him he didn't see the man coming and yup the man made hit for suga's head with the iron rod in his hands from behind . Suga felt the impact and halted in his steps his hands made their towards the injured spot on his head . His body swaying . His vision got blurred and  suga lost consciousness and laid there . Jin and hobi were fighting when one of the men took out a injection and attacked on hobi's neck . He emptied the syringe . Hoeseok felt dizzy his mind started getting foggy and black dots apeered in his vision before everything turned Black .

Jin saw hobi landing on ground with a thud and then he noticed his members were lying on ground uncouncious . " What the hell ". Jin yelled and looked at Bogum ." What the hell did you do . I will fucking kill you ." Jin yelled in rage and made run for Bogum . But before he could reach upto him a man came in between . The same man with the rod and sawyed the rod back and made great hit for jin's head . The rod hit jin's back of the head and the impact was preety hard that jin fell on the ground and passed out .

Bogum looked at his passed out enemies and laughed ." Now I will avenge my brother's death.  Kim seokjin I will make sure you and your minions suffur. You all have a common weakness . Nj I will hurt him and that will hurt all of you . " He looked at jin' s unconscious form and crouched down Infront of it . " Don't worry I will not kill your little birdie . I found him too beautiful and gorgeous to do that . I guess after killing you all I will keep him as my personal fuck toy . He indeed have a great body and also he is too young to die right now." He got up and turned around and singneld his mens ." You know what to do with them .I will be out call me when they get up ." It. Was  evening sunset  time as redness can be seen in the sky . Bogum went away . The guards dragged the body of  all the 6 members inside the building .

A short update for now . Enjoy and next will be on Sunday . I guess my exams will be over till then .

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