Shinobu turned to you

Cute mood on

You use your poppy dog eyes

"No I don't think y/n did it..
Look at her cute face"

Sanemi was about to attack you but stopped..


"Mah pookie no one resist my charm"

"You bitch! "

"Anyways I'm going to leave you two again... Have fun!"

She got out..


"Sanemi... I know you have a brother don't act like that!I'm sure if you keep treating him like trash your gonna regret it..."

"... That's none of your business, kid"

"Whatever... Anyways pookie.. You want to hear about my adventure stories?!"


*warning : the horror story is gonna start.. It's not that scary but....idk imagination? So remember it's not real*

"So last year or smth i had a best friend.... He still is tho idk where he is anyway..
So one time we were walking down the road when we saw an abandoned house. We ofc entered it and... "

You continued telling him about the rest and more stories..

He was staring to get interested..

"What happened after you two saw that thing in the dark???was it a demon?!"

"No al my best friend's name was max...
He litterly started running away but still didn't got out of the house..

I looked at it it looked at me we looked at each other..

I approached it... It was...


Dead body"

"What?was it a demon who
Did that or-"

"let me finish"

"After I saw the dead body I followed max to the basement...

Yeah he didn't mean to enter it he's a dumb bitch yk...

We saw a shadow of a human.

The human turned to us and we started screaming! He was carrying a head

Me and max ran out of the house and called cops...

It actually was a wanted criminal


"That was...."

Sanemi was speechless

He looked at you


"Do you wanna hear another story-"

Shinobu entered

"Sanemi it's time for you to leave y/n needs rest!!"

"Sure... Brat I'll see you next time? Bye"

He left

Let's say sanemi took a liking toward you  and he found you interesting...

Let's say sanemi took a liking toward you  and he found you interesting

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Hope you guys liked this chapter I made it long cuz I didn't post yesterday...


End of chapter

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