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My name is ichi yamasaki, you may have guessed it by now but if you thought i was from Japan then your guess would be correct,

You might be wondering why am i the one narrating the story? , Basically im the one who wrote the novel which is where i got transmigrated.

Oh? You think im too calm in this situation.. actually im panicking.

Anyways enough of me and let's get on to the story!

"Hah.." ichi sighed as he turned his head up,

he sat up and rubbed the back of his neck, "itta.. itta.." he said as he looked around the room.

"What the..." Ichi thought to himself, "where the heck am i?" He was confused and in dazed at the same time,

"Oh... This must be one of those lucid dream thingy!" He thought and rolled back to bed covering himself with the thick blanket.

He then opened his eyes again after an hour and was shock to see that it wasn't a dream nor hallucination.

"What the he.." before ichi can finish the bullshit he was about to spout someone knocked on the door

Ichi wondered who it was so he asked "who is it?" With an apathetic tone.

Someone from the other side of the door answered "it is me, butler fredrick. If you don't mind may i please enter the room?"

Ichi was shocked to hear a girls voice but composed himself "Yes, come in" ichi said.

The girl outside opened the door and ichi's jaw dropped,

"what is she.." -ichi thought

The girl stood near the edge of the bed and Courtesy "Butler fredrick, i am glad you are now fine. The second prince was troubled after you fell from the third floor of this castle"

Even though the girl sounded glad ichi can sense that she's not hostile towards him.

Ichi answered her by speaking in an calm tone "oh, i see" but im truth ichi was actually panicking deep inside.

The maid looked at ichi as if he was lower than dirt then spoke "your so troublesome butler fredrick"

Ichi was shocked by the change of attitude he was receiving

The maid then placed the wet towel she was holding on the ground and stomped on it, "why am i the one taking care of some dirt like you?"

Ichi just listened to her rambling as if it was nothing to him but in truth ichi was really hurt , ichi has always been soft hearted from his previous life he was sad knowing that someone sees him as a dirt.

Ichi then stopped her rambling by speaking up "hah... Im so hungry, how long was i asleep for anyways?"

The maid was shocked by ichi's attitude he was just a timid son the duke but why is he acting like this just because he became the butler of the second prince.

The maid spoke "you've been out for about a week butler fredrick" she said full of spite.

Ichi looked at her and scanned her for top to bottom.

"Should i teach this girl a lesson?" -ichi thought


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